"Your child is not just a soulless brain that needs to be filled up with facts by a teacher, but a person in relationship with you and God, who has eternal value, dignity and purpose because he or she is made in the image and likeness of their Creator."
Clay and Sally Clarkson, in Educating the Wholehearted Child"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education." Theodore Roosevelt
"Using the real world is the way learning has happened for 99.9% of human existance. Only in the last 100 years have we put it in a little box called a classroom." Will Nixon
We are almost ready to start our fourth year of homeschooling and we are loving it! Ben will be in fifth grade this year. He went to public school for Kindergarten and first grade. At the end of his first grade year, God began to speak to my heart about homeschooling. I asked my husband about it and after much prayer and discussion, we agreed it was what God wanted us to do. We have not looked back! I have learned SO much since we first made the decision to homeschool. I have realized that God has given us, as Ben's parents, the responsibility to educate our son. Ben has such a sweet, tender heart toward God. We don't want that to be changed by the influences in the public schools. We believe he needs to be sheltered and protected from many things in this world until he is mature enough to be able to withstand the many temptations that our children face today. This is likened to young plants in a greenhouse. We consider it a privilege to teach Ben at home and are looking forward to many years of learning ahead.
My favorite homeschool links:
Charlotte Mason Study Loop
Lots of great Charlotte Mason linksLiberty and Lily Ministries
Donna Jean is an awesome writer and speaker with a beautiful heart for GodThis page hosted by
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