Elder Taylor's Challenge
Hi, I'm Elder Taylor, I have recently been called to serve a mission
for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints in the North
Carolina, Charlotte Mission. I have a challenge for you, ok, here's
what I want you to do, accept this challenge to read the book of
Mormon in 30 days, but don't just read it; study, ponder and PRAY
about it.. Then, if you could be so kind, write down some of your
feelings about the book of Mormon, maybe some of what you experienced
when you read it prayerfully in 30 days, and if you feel like it, you
can also send me your testimony of the book of Mormon.. Even if you
don't feel like writing me, I hope you will at least accept this
challenge to prayerfully read and ponder the Book of Mormon..  

Also, please send this to all your LDS contacts and anyone else who
might be interested..

	 Read the Book of Mormon in 30 days

	Day 1 - 1 Nephi 1 - 11			Day 16 - Alma 23 - 30
	Day 2 - 1 Nephi 12 - 17			Day 17 - alma 31 - 36
	Day 3 - 1 Nephi 18 - 2 Nephi 2		Day 18 - Alma 37 - 43
	Day 4 - 2 Nephi 3 - 9			Day 19 - Alma 44 - 50
	Day 5 - 2 Nephi 10 - 23			Day 20 - Alma 51 - 57
	Day 6 - 2 Nephi 24 - 29			Day 21 - Alma 58 - 63
	Day 7 - 2 Nephi 30 - Jacob 5		Day 22 - Helaman 1 - 7
	Day 8 - Jacob 6 - Mosiah 1		Day 23 - Helaman 8 - 14
	Day 9 - Mosiah 2 - 8			Day 24 - Helaman 15 - 3 Nephi 6
	Day 10 - Mosiah 9 - 17			Day 25 - 3 Nephi 7 - 14
	Day 11 - Mosiah 18 - 26		Day 26 - 3 Nephi 15 - 22
	Day 12 - Mosiah 27 - Alma 3		Day 27 - 3 Nephi 23 - Mormon 2
	Day 13 - Alma 4 - 9			Day 28 - Mormon 3 - Ether 2
	Day 14 - Alma 10 - 15			Day 29 - Ether 3 - 12
	Day 15 - Alma 16 - 22			Day 30 - Ether 13 - Moroni 10

Please reply to cptn_moroni@yahoo.com with all comments, testimonies
and experiences regarding the Book of Mormon.  Thanks a bunch, and
Best wishes from Elder Taylor

Please pass this URL on to as many people as possible.
If you'd like to know how Elder Taylor is doing, contact me, Jessy,
(I'm taking care of this while he's serving) by ICQ # 7888063.
Please check out the rest of my site. Thanx! ;)