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Birds of a Feather Should Flock Together

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A Penny For Your Thoughts

Contacts Page with links to additional researchers.

Add Your Query

Please tell us your name: (Do not hit return)

1) Your e-mail address (you must provide either an e-mail or Web page address):

2) Your Web Page Address (you must provide either an e-mail or Web page address):

3) SURNAMES you are researching

4) Is there a family connection between someone you are researching and someone in our family tree?

5) If we have a common ancestor, what is that ancestors name and connection to our family?

6) Enter your query below: Include names, dates, locations. Maximum lenght per listing about 4 full screen lines.

After you click on SEND your will see your message. Use the BACK button on your browser to return to the Previous Page.

Add Your Name & Link To Our Connection Page

If your are researching any of the Surnames on our Family Tree (either the same or another line) please fill out the form below and we will add a link to your e-mail and/or your Web page to OUR connection Page.

Please tell us your name: (Do not hit return)

1) Your e-mail address (you must provide either an e-mail or Web page address):

2) Your Web Page Address (you must provide either an e-mail or Web page address):

3) SURNAMES you are researching

4) Is there a family connection between someone you are researching and someone in our family tree?

5) If we have a common ancestor, what is that ancestors name and connection to our family?

6) List Details you want included with your link: Include names, dates, locations. Maximum lenght per listing about 4 full screen lines.

After you click on SEND your will see your message. Use the BACK button on your browser to return to the Connection Page.

Here is Your Penny, Please Share Your Thoughts

Please tell us your name (optional) : (Do not hit return)

1) How did you find our page?

2) Are you looking for

3) What did you find most useful or interesting about our site?

4) Comments about the content or style of our site:

5) Please, give us your Sugestions about how to improve our site:

6) Tell us about any problems you had loading our pages or accessing our links:

7) Will you visit our page again? Why or Why Not?

7) How old are you? If you are older than 6 years you don't have to answer this.

Under 18 years old
Between 19 and 24 years old
Between 25 and 34 years old
Between 35 and 44 years old
More than 45 years old


NOTE: After you click on SEND your will see your message. Use the BACK button on your browser to return to the the page that brought you here.

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