T H I S . I S
P R A Y E R . C H A I N
G R A M M A and G R A M P A ' s

Click here if you would like us to pray for you.

The Lord says, "My Name  is "I AM".
"Hear O Israel,  the Lord your God is ONE".

Click  here  to see what Jesus thinks of our plight.

The picture is the statue of Mary and Jesus called "Pieta". The hymn is "Trust and Obey"

God says: "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
and before thou camest forth out of the womb
I sanctified thee..." Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV).

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy with Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy with Jesus, but to trust and obey.

But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy with Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet.
Or we'll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy with Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Click on Jesus when someone dies in Christ

Are you tired or anxious. Do you feel you can't go any further? Click here

When your dreams are gone, your hope fades and you cannot pray,
hang on to Holy Scripture and wrap yourself in it like a blanket.


I pray, when you have finished with this list,
God grants you a peaceful, restful, energizing,and healing sleep.

1,   2,  3,  4,  5 

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;
and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." ~ Hebrews 10:23-25~

God's Answer  to a lot of our questions.

The One Minute Sermon

Has anyone every told you to "change your attitude"
or "cast your net on the other side"?

Here are some role models.

Attitude Change #1

Attitude Change #2

Attitude Change #3

Attitude Change #4

Attitude Change #5

Attitude Change #6

Attitude Change #7

Attitude Change #8

And keep on   singing!!!! 

"When I consider Your heavens,
the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which
You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
For You have made him a little
lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor.
You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,
All sheep and oxen-
Even the beasts of the field,
The birds of the air,
And the fish of the sea
that pass through the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
How excellent is Your name in all earth!"


Gramma would like to thank all the prayer partners by giving them this little gift. Click  here. 

Click  here  if you would like to add your name as a prayer partner.
PRAISE GOD...a NEW prayer partner added today...July 26/02. (Reye S.)

Click  here  if you would like us to pray for you.

There is no need to send us anything but your first name and prayer request.
God knows who you are. If you prefer, we will change the name when we put it on the web.
We really would like to hear from you when your prayers are answered.

When you've finished sending your prayer request and/or praying for others,

you are invited to return to the   Main Foyer 

of Gramma & Grampa's House, and look in a different room.

- - - - -
Gloria Oct 31 2006 Heart Problems - -
Johnny Oct 14, 2006 He collapsed for unknown reasons and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. - -
"Dog The Bounty Hunter" Sept 20 That God may intervene on his behalf.


that he and his family will feel the love and support of the Christian prayer for him and his family - coming from all over the world.

- -
Lori Sept. 20 That she may truely witness in the power and love of Jesus to the children He sends to her from all over the world. - -
Jan June 21 2006 For my sister in love, Karen, whose nephew lost his battle with heroin and committed suicide. I ask that you keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. - -
SJ April 21, 2006 Diagnosed with lymphoma - -
Irene March 12, 2006 Irregular heart beat caused by thyroid problems.

Please pray for the real cause of her heart problems.

- -
Prayer Angel March 8, 2006 Welcome Prayer Angel as a prayer partner.
Robin Feb. 16, 2006 Please pray for a 4 month old baby named Zane. He was taken to the hospital when his father found him lifeless and cold. His heart stopped beating for nearly an hour but the doctors finally got a heartbeat. Now the baby is on a breathing machine and the doctors don't think he'll make it through the night. I believe Jesus has the last say in this situation. I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that Jesus will restore this little baby back to his normal self but better. Please pray for him and his family.Thank you!!! - -
Katrina Feb 9,2006 Happiness, wholeness, love, peace and joy Friend of ours let us make this day a happy one for you.

We ask that God will grant His Grace to you.

We ask Him to enfold you in his perfect love so that you will feel His joy within your soul and His wisdom in your thoughts.

We pray you feel in every hour and place, His beauty peace and power.

Friend of ours, we hold you in the Presence of our God that this day may be a happy one for you.

The people held captive in Iraq...especially the Canadians Dec 5, 2005 click to read more about it.

click to read more about it.

March 23, 2006

Free at last!

Free at last.!

Thank God Almighty!

They're free at last!

Joe Oct. 22, 2005 prostate cancer - -
Irene Oct. 22, 2005 6 weeks with the flu. - -
Pakistan and India Saturday, Oct. 8, 2005 All the souls lost and grieving in the earthquake. - -
Dennis Friday, Oct 7, 2005 On life-support after motorcycle accident.- - -
John Friday, Oct 7, 2005 Removal of mass on thyroid -- --
Joanie September 9, 2005 Prayer Request:
Please stop for a moment and say yet another prayer for New Orleans and all victims of Katrina ...
"Lord, hold the people of New Orleans in your loving hands. Protect them in their time of need and bring an end to their suffering. Bless them and their families.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen."
Seth Feb 17, 2004 "Please pray for me. I need spiritual, health, family, business and financial breakthrough. " - -
Barbara,aka Mom, Granny, P.O.B March 10, 2005 Infection Dr.s say she has about 3 days to live. Barbara went to be with Jesus at 1:00pm March 11, 2005 PRAISE THE LORD!
Irene February 24, 2005 flu. .

Feb 7, 2005 "Missi Thede" Please pray that God will get us through this difficult time we are having with our finances and a couple of our lenders. We have had a very bad situation come up with an auto dealer, one we may have to go to court over. Please pray that we can come up with $11,000 by this Friday... it's all in God's hands... Thank you and God bless - -
All the people affected by the tsunami December 26, 2004 Lord be with them in their bewilderment, shock, sorrow and confusion. Move us all on the planet to rally round and help them. .
Click here to see what happened.

Father, We know that You are the Father of all your children. Many of these children are missing to us, but none are missing to You. We pray for these missing angels. We pray that you recognize them and they are never forgotten. We pray that You will hold them and comfort them. We pray for their families, that You will comfort them during this time of loss. We thank You for Your love for each one of us. In Christ's Name, >
Irene December 7, 2004 Constant, lingering cold that won't go away. .

Michelle November 12, 2004 My friend, Lynn has been told that she has breast cancer. It is classed as invasive and she is having radical surgery on Wednesday, November 17, at 10:30 am. Lynn underwent cancer surgery two years ago and had a lump removed from the same breast.
If you are able, I am asking each of you to light a candle and lower your head in loving prayer for her each night at 10:00 pm. Also would you please join me in forming a very large prayer circle for her, and forward this "Prayer Request" to your email friends.
God Bless

, .

"Gramma", UPDATE

March 28, 2004

The body of Cecelia Zhang has been found in a ravine in Toronto.

Click here .for strength

It did not have the outcome we expected but we can lean on Jesus for understanding and strength. Please help us pray for her family and friends.

"Word of Knowledge".

Click here if you hear anything from the Lord.

This is the site put up by her Daddy.
Sherry Xu, Raymond Zhang, November 13, 2003 ...plead for the safe return of their abducted daughter, nine year old Cecilia Zhang Web sites about her abduction.

Child Find Crime TV


We know that You are the Father of

all little children.

Many of these children are missing to us,

but none are missing to You.

We pray for these missing angels.

We pray that they are recognized

and returned home safely.

We pray that You will protect and

guard them.

We pray for their families, that You

will comfort them during this time of loss.

We thank You for Your love for each one of us.

In Christ's Name,

Prayer written by Wayne Swafford.

- - - - -
Dixie Jan. 30, 2003 "could you please lift your prayers for someone I know? Her name is Dixie and she is 17. She just came to College ... with me ...3 weeks ago. She was only on the job for a week before they fired her for her behavior. She is deep trouble with the police on a prostitution charge and I am afraid for her soul." - -
Karen Jan 29, 2003 Diagnosed with cancer - -
DJ Nov 8, 2002 Diagnosed with Pemphigus - -
Donna Nov 7, 2002 Donna asks prayer for the safety of her niece who has just taken up residence in New York City - -
Donna Nov 7, 2002 Donna also asks for "the touch of the Master's hand" when she goes to the eye doctor on Monday - -
Donna Nov7, 2002 Donna also needs an apartment with enough room for guests and an office for her church ministry. - -
Lionel Nov 7, 2002 "He found out yesterday that the chemo wasn't working and they are stopping the treatments - has 2 to 6 months to live. He prayed to accept Jesus as his Saviour last night! It was amazing. Please pray for him - his name is Lionel." - -
Jim & Diane SEP. 24/02 "We are moving out and God is moving in." Please pray we will be shown what "the next move" is to be, in His perfect will for us. Trusting in God, Grandma and Grandpa did step out in faith and they did take the new job and they did move! Now they are praising the Lord that all has turned out for the best. The new place brings so many added blessings; they are grateful indeed this month of our Canadian Thanksgiving. End of Sep.-1st of Oct./02
Josh Sept. 23, 2002 ...for his family and his extended family as they pass through a terrible time of family disaster. - -
Gary Sept. 23, 2002 In a coma after a head injury - -
Jim Sept. 23, 2002 ....for him and his family as they grieve the loss of his mother. - -
Faigy September 23, 2002 "Subject: FW: Pray for Israel

Prayer Wheel

Here's what the wheel is all about.

When you receive this, say a prayer for Israel and the person that sent it to you..That's all you have to do....There is nothing attached....This is so powerful....Just send this to seven people and watch God's answer to prayer work in your life. Do not stop the wheel, please.... Of all the free gifts we may receive, Prayer is the very best one..... There are no costs, but wonderful rewards.... Let's continue praying for one another..

With love. "

"A Prayer

G'd, I ask you to bless my friends reading this right now. I am asking You to heal their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence in Your ability to work through them. Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, patience, and strength as they learn submission to you. Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to them Your courage. Where there is a sin blocking them, reveal it, and break its hold over them . Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders, and friends to support, and encourage them. Give each of them discernment to recognize the evil forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have to do these things for my friends , and I ask you to bless and protect all of Israel and all of Israel's friends. "

"Passing this on to anyone you consider a friend will bless you both. Passing this on to one not considered a friend is something the High Priest, Aaron would do. "
Patti Sept 8, 2002 "i've met a wonderful man only been seeing him for 2 weeks .he's had bouts with throat cancer.colon cancer.he had an accident has had plates and screws put in his knee now needs knee replacement surgery although just a few days ago has found his colon cancer to have fallen out of remission and is now undergoing more radiation treatments to get it back in remission.it is an all new relationship still at the beginning of something i feel could lead to something wonderful although now there is this obstcal of his cancer i ask prayers for him that god give him the strength to get threw this and bless our relationship that we may get threw all this and find happiness with one another thank you Patti " - -
Eunice and Lola Sept 4, 2002 Lord, please hold Eunice and Lola in your loving care as Eunice rushes to be with her 92 year old mother who is very ill. - -
Jim, Sheilah,Family August 29/02 Please uphold Jim and his wife and family to the Lord for financial blessing. Sheilah needs to land a job she applied/was accepted for, and there is an unexpected security clearance glitch for which there isn't any good explanation. This little family are expecting anoher, and like most young families these days, could really use a second income. Praise the Lord, this prayer was answered for Jim and Sheilah 'at once'. Sheilah has the job; God is good! August 30/02
Phyllis (Nan) August 22/02 A dear saint of God's is suffering. She has served Him long and well, and was a founding member of the Baptist church she and her husband still attended faithfully until she was diagnosed with cancer several months ago. Having "fought the good fight", she is nearing the end of her life on earth, and waiting for her Lord to come and carry her home.

Please say a prayer of thanks with all of us who know her, for her useful life as a servant of Jesus; and pray with us that she will soon be released from her pain, and home with her Lord. Amen.

Phyllis (Nan) has gone home to be with her Lord at last. Her work here was completed on the occasion of her fiftieth wedding anniversary. She not only was ready, but eager to go to Heaven and Home, long before this day. Rejoice with the Saints in Heaven, that another saint is now back Home; where there are no tears or pain.

Please remember her loved ones left behind, and that God will continue to sustain them, now, in their loss.

Sept. 7/02
Dale August 22/02 Carol requests prayer for her best friend Dale who recently was stricken allover with a mysterious painful purple rash. There is also liver damage, and the doctors suspect lupus, but further tests must be made. She is exhausted, at a time when she and her husband are moving from one coast of the country to the other, and she must pack and prepare things for this huge move. There is more to the story, but please pray she will make a complete and speedy recovery, so she can accomplish the tasks set out before her at an already difficult time. Dale has been diagnosed with dermatomyositis-an inflammatory disease of the muscles causing much weakness and disabiliity while it is acute, and a painful skin condition too. Please continue to uphold her in your prayers. Aug. 26/02
Bonnie Update...August 18, 2002 "Just a quick update on Bonnie (young mom of 5 and 2 yr. old in car accident). She has had surgery on her leg to repair some of the damage. She continues to heal from surgery for a torn aorta, broken nose, and severely injured leg among other injuries. She was unable to breathe on her own and remains on a ventilator for another week. Please continue to pray that she will through our Father's grace, heal completely and be restored to her family. Thank you and God bless, Lisa " - -
Heather Aug 17, 2002 "I am a smoker, and need to quit. My father has been diagnosed with lung and brain cancer from smoking and doesn't have long to live. His wish is for me to quit smoking, and I am trying very hard but have failed thus far. Any prayers and help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you." - -
Bonnie Update...August 14, 2002 "Hello Just a quick update on Bonnie's condition(young mom of 2 in serious car accident). An attempt was made to remove Bonnie from the ventilator. She was unable to begin breathing on her own and had to be resucitated. She remains in critical condition. Please continue to pray for complete healing of her head injuries, heart, lung damage, leg injuries and broken nose. Pray for her two small children and for her family that they will rest in the promises made by our Father. Thank you and God bless, Lisa" - -
Bonnie August 10, 2002 "...young mom of a 5 and 2 yr. old was in a bad car accident and may not live. She has a broken rib which punctured her heart among other injuries. Please pray! Thanks and God Bless, Lisa" August 11, 2002 Update "Thanks so much for keeping my friend Bonnie in your prayers. She is still in critical condition following the car accident. She has severe trauma to her leg which may not be able to be saved. At this point they said that she cannot withstand surgery needed to begin trying to save her leg. After talking with family members it was learned that a broken rib did not puncture her heart but that from trauma her aorta was torn. She has a broken nose as well as head injuries and remains sedated and on a ventilator. But it was only the grace of God that she didn't bleed to death at the scene. I ask that you continue to keep her on your pray chain. We are praying that she survives and is completely made well,(nothing too hard for our Father) so that she can return to her 5 and 2 yr. old daughters. They miss their mommy very much. Thank you and God bless, Lisa "
Suebee August 10, 2002 "Please pray for my family - we are drifting further and further apart because of my daughter's boyfriend." "Also, please pray Carrie and Adam's college years - that they are able to follow their plans/dreams and those that the Lord has for them. May they feel HIS presence in their lives and may HE hold them in the palm of HIS hand." "Also pray for my mother's painful legs,

and for Rodney."

Suebee July 29,2002 "Please pray for my mother-in-law's health. She has a blood disease and is currently in the hospital - doctors say she may go into a coma sometime in the near future." "Pray, too, for my mother's leg problems." "Thirdly pray for my daughter - our family relationship - and for God to strongly lead her in the relationship she has with her current boyfriend and his family. Also for a good roommate at college and a successful year at school."
From the web July 29, 2002 "Please pray for todd that a Christian woman will come into his life and make a Christian home for his two children, that he would get a better job, an he would bond with his sister and brother, and that his ex wife would ..." come to know the Lord - -
From the web July 29, 2002 Please pray for Carrie to settle down...and become a christian, for Steven to get a job and meet a Christian woman, for Kim to get a job ... and settle ...down - -
From the web July 29, 2002 I want to thank every body for praying for my family to come home , and hope and pray to continue to pray for AAron Haley Joshua And my lovely wife Aleicia.....to home home soon...thank you and God bless you all .............. - -
July 28, 2002 Glen He is "sick"....God knows. Just raise him up please. - -

July 25/02

Please pray for my family to come home and my wife to forgive me for my priorities were all wrong but now that she is gone i see what i have to do and that is put GOD in my every thought and put him first befor money and freinds ....and i thank God for showing me and waking me up to see the truth thank u for hearing my prayer and may God bless you all.

Please pray for my wife and kids and bring them home safe thank u for your time and may God bless you all

Thank you for your blessings Reye, and for becoming a prayer partner. -
Sandra July 25/02 She is in severe pain with sciatica. - -
Kerry 20 years old July 25/02 ...she is in a women's shelter pregnant with a 5 year old daughter and they fear for her safety. - -
John July 25/02 They have found a large mass on his thyroid. - -
Pat July 25/02 He is in charge of the catering for the World Youth Day...he asks for prayer for a "bigger tent".
He also asks for strength and health to make it through the next few days.
Praise God...100 Huntley Street called the webmaster of this site and asked if there was anything they could do to help Re; The Toronto (Pope) gathering. Gramma told her...'Yes...get Pat a bigger tent.'
'Will try at once!',they said.
July 25/02
Before we ask, He will (provide the) answer.
God is good!
Diane, Sheri and Elijah July 25, 2002 ..have decided to try to get in to the World Youth Day at Downsview Park on Sunday. Please say a prayer that they get sitting or standing room on the grounds of Downsview Park. -
Rhonda July 18, 2002 Lord, Thank you for blessing Rhonda's ministry with your Holy Spirit. Please help her to spread YOUR Good News to the world and let people know that YOU ARE LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Click here to visit Rhonda's site, to read some of her articles before her 1st book is available in March. Let everyone who reads her articles and books share the happiness, wholeness, love, peace and joy of your Holy Spirit which is reflected through Rhonda's writing. In Your Holy Name, Jesus, we pray.
Helen July 17/02 Please pray for my adult daughter.It is urgent as a family member is victimizing her as she is not strong to handle this. Please pray that he will repent,as he has a wonderful family he is hurting. Thank you. - -
Dr. "Shirley" June 26, 2002 Lord, we pray that you continue to bless her on her journey. May you surround her, her family, their staff and colleagues,and their homes and offices with your Holy Angels and protect them and keep them safe as they continue ministering to anyone that you sends their way. In your Holy Name, Jesus, we pray. - -
Kyle...8 years old June 5, 2000 In hospital diagnosed with MS - -
Sally June 5, 2000 She is terrified as she is being used as a pawn in a war between her parents. - -
Kevin May 28 2002 Daughter stephanie is doing very well,9 months post transplant, continuing slow, steady progress. (She) hopes to return to school in fall, still a long way to full recovery, also, would you say a prayer for a girl named Caitlin who recieved transplant on same day as stephanie who has relapsed. Pray for strength and healing. God bless you all,Kevin - -
Ralph May 27, 2002 ...in intensive care with heart attack. - -
- May 27, 2002 There will be an event held at Mel Lastman Square on Friday June 21, 2002 called Youth On A Hill. It's an event inspired by God and organized by leaders of school fellowships. A lot of prayer is needed for those planning this event and for those whose HEARTS will be CHANGED! Youth On A Hill is open to everyone and will be an evening of WORSHIP and REVIVAL for people coming in from all over Ontario. Please let your churches/youth groups/youth leaders/pastors know about it! We are praying for 7000 people to fill Mel Lastman Square to maximum capacity! There is a need for counsellors to be present so please mark it into your calendars! In Christ, Joyce Once again, we thank you for your partnership in the sake and cause of Jesus. - -

Thanks for the blessing, Pattie, and may God bless you 100 times as much, as He heals you.
April 25,
"I need prayer for my health. Several things. Cerebellar ataxia, disc protruding from the spine and depression.
May God Bless each of you."
- -
Name Withheld April 04,
"Please pray for me...I don't know how to "rest" in the Lord, I am only sensing fear from Satan, that my life is total chaos, and the Lord is my only source of hope."
(We continue to pray for you and others on this list.)
April 25,
From the web
(Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things. -Cicero)
April 3,
1. Please pray that all doors and paths be blocked for Chris visiting Carrie before school is out for the summer. Please give her this opportunity to break the strongholds he and his family have on her and continue that during the summer. Open the doors only if it be THY will.

2. Prayer request also for Carrie and Adam to find jobs for the summer that help them with their chosen fields of study and to help with their finances for their education. Also, that they may have rewarding summers and be eager and refreshed to go back to school and pursue their fields of study with vigor.

- -
Sheri March 24,
"Grandma's daughter needs urgent prayer for probable surgery, and God's intervention and healing. She is a working Mom but has cut her hand on window glass so badly it even has nerve damage." PRAISE GOD!
Thanks to prayer and God's intervention, Sheri has had microscopic reconstructive surgery that will restore her hand to full function.

Thank-you for prayer for the pain as well, as this too has subsided now.
April 03,


April 09,


"This just came from Albuquerque "

March 21,
"Subject: PLEASE PRAY!!!!!! At 10am this morning . . . received a prayer request from church. ...Received an urgent email this morning from an air force commander in Afghanistan. It said, "We need pray(er). We're in a Blood Bath here!" (Doesn't sound like the glowing reports we're getting on TV)

Please pray for God's protection of our troops and HIS wisdom for their commanders."

- -
Ashley March 10,2002 "Hello,we would like you to pray for Ashley .She is 18 and has tumors behind her eyes. The doctor said she could 'wake up' blind . So please keep her in your prayers. Thank you. Penny" - -
Todd March 8, and March 25,2002 "Please pray for Todd due to a lump on his chest that needs to be surgically removed ASAP, There is a 50% chance that it is malignant. He is in his thirties. Please pray that he will experience a full recovery, with no malignancy." THANKS BE TO GOD: Surgery is over and even glandular and muscle tissue were excised. There was malignancy, but the doctor says they got it all. Please pray there is no recurrence. April 03, 2002
Adiari January 30, 2002 "I was diagnosed with syringomyelia. I must have a surgery which the doctor will insert A shunt to help to drain the fluid that is on the spinal cord. This procedure will involve a lot of risk but is very necessary to prevent the fluid to go up to the brain. This is schedule for tomorrow January 31, 2002 . Please keep me in all your prayers. " - -
Aldo Jan 28, 2002 ". . . please pray for my Mom SARINA, she was diagnosed with leukemia...She is going through her chemo and is doing well but I am asking God to make her an example for everyone and just get rid of it, take it out of her body and let her be healthy again." - -
Diane and Joanie Jan 28, 2002 "for special intentions..." - -
Jeanne, Dorota, Angie, Aldo, Debbie, Diane, Maria, Fayaz, Fernando, Walter, Jesleen, John, David, Minerva, Cleopatra, Marla, Rocky, Sabrina, and Joe January 28, 2002 ...and all that have been looking for jobs...please pray for Happiness, Wholeness, Love, Peace and Joy. - -
Dorota and Cindy January 17, 2002 Have been trying to conceive with no results. Please pray with them as they work toward having children. - -
Kelly....Nicole's Friend January 16, 2002 ". . . (please)pray for strength for Kelly that she can be a good friend and good witness to Nicole and her Mother (Prayer request follows)" - -
Nicole and her mother January 16, 2002 " Nicole's mom has been suffering from a brain tumour for quite a while and last night, she lapsed into a coma after a seizure and a few heart attacks. Nicole is not in a good state, as her mom is really her only family. She had left her job to take care of her mom and has lost a lot of weight due to worry, lack of sleep and lack of proper nutrition." "I'm hoping that we can send out this prayer request to our groups so that we can all pray together for her mom's condition (and) that He will heal her, and provide her with health and a will to live again. Let's also pray for strength & faith for Nicole. " -
Suebee January 11, 2002 "Request for prayer for Shirley's safety and that God will help with their marital situation."

"Also requests for prayer: Strongholds and mind sets of Carrie's relationship be lifted and she be able to move on. Prayers for Adam - that God will keep and guide him in his decisions. "
Sally Jan 3, 2002 "I have been ill since June. I am gradually getting better ... I am hardly getting any hours (at work). Pray that I can keep my attitude Christ-like regarding (my boss). Also (pray) for my health to keep improving, and a job that I will be able to get 32 hours a week. My church has been helping me pay my rent, doctor, meds, and other living expences. I don't want to have to depend on them so much. It is hard on my pride to accept help. :) I would rather be helping others." - -
- - - - -


These names represent Toronto, (Ontario Canada) Windsor, Lunenberg (Nova Scotia, Canada),
Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada), Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada) London (England),
Boston (Massachusetts, United States), Los Angeles (California), (Malasia) and some known only to God.

Gramma Joanie Carol Sheri Holly
Michelle Gloria Roz Sue Mike
Rosie Heather Lesley Olive Elaine
Shirley Phyllis Linda June Winn
Vee Eleanor Helen Marie Gladys
Mark Glenda Patsy has agreed to hold up the prayerchain in her personal prayers even though she does not have a computer. Phil Heather
Christine Chris and Ray

Philipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Sandy Donna David, Sandra,

Simon & Peter

Nita Ruth Reye S Seth Irene and Joe
PrayingAngel818 - - - -


Page ONE

May 1998 to July 13, 1998.

Page TWO

July 13, 1998 to August 21, 1998.


August 21, 1998 to September 19, 1998.


September 19, 1998 to October 7, 1998.


October 7, 1998 to October 27, 1998.

Page SIX

October 27, 1998 to November 17, 1998.


November 11 27, 1998 to December 11, 1998.


December 11, 1998 to January 15, 1998.


February 1 to February 22, 1999

Page TEN

February 22 to March 3, 1999.


March 3 to June 2, 1999


November 1999 to end December 2001

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