Welcome! You have arrived at just one of the many rooms in Grampa and Gramma's House in Cyberspace. This is a safe house on the Internet and here are some ways you can make your house a safe house too.
From an article written by Jesse Berst, Editorial Director, ZDNet AnchorDesk
Step 1.
Check with your online service provider. Does it offer safe-surfing controls? If so, find out how to use them. You won't have to install anything, and you'll get protection for free. America Online and Microsoft Network make it easy to block questionable content. And check out the great advice from Pam Dixon, author of Take Charge: Computing for Teens and Parents. (Click for full story.)
Step 2.
If your service doesn't provide the control you need, then purchase and install filtering software. There's no need to guess which package to buy, either, since Family PC has the latest ratings. (Click for full story.)
Step 3.
Monitor the situation by frequenting Family PC's Kids' Safety and Parental Guidance Clearinghouse. (Click for full story.)
Step 4.
Voice your opinion. Click the Talk Back link at the bottom of this page to send me your personal convictions. I'll post some of the best responses beneath this article. Or jump over to Net.Politics (linked in the sidebar) for the latest information, plus tips for getting involved.
It's fine to complain, to kvetch, to rant, to raise a ruckus. As long as you protect your family first. Don't wait 30 days -- or 30 months -- for some official edict. Take 30 minutes right now to ensure surfing is safe for kids at your house.
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