T H E . W O M E N ' S . R O O M

G R A M M A and G R A M P A ' s

Welcome! You have arrived at just one of the many rooms in Grampa and Gramma's House in Cyberspace. This is a safe house on the Internet and this is The Women's Club.

We would like to invite women of all shapes and sizes to join us but we have a special intention to identify with women over size 16. We want to come together to enjoy one another, enjoy ourselves, and help each other to find new places and ways to shop for clothes, to help each other cope with the stresses that come with trying to live as a discrimiated part of society, and hopefully to have fun while doing it. We have a few ideas which will be shared at a future date....right now we would just like to get together and enjoy.

You will find, listed below, the people and their email addresses that have decided to add input to this site.

Any ideas? Drop one of us a line.

You will also find, listed below, some interesting sites for women.
Thanks for stopping by.

When you finish in this room you can always go back to the main foyer of Gramma & Grampa's House and look in a different room.



M. J.




Strong Women The Women's Financial Network
Girl Geeks . . . .
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- Toronto Webggrls Travel Adventure For Women Over 30 Beatrice's Web Guide Web Search For Women
Women.Com Webgrrls International Size.net site of the Month

for September, 1999

Jelly Roll's site

very interesting

Miscellaneous links

"The Worth of A Woman"

an article from the May Issue (on-line) of Worth Magazine>

- - Phenominal Women of The Web


Big, Bold and Beautiful Beware....

do not go in here

if you have not got a sense of humor.

- Humour for women in mid-life.
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Grampa's building a new room. Grampa's building a new room. Grampa's building a new room. Grampa's building a new room. Grampa's building a new room.

The Teacher asks: "Where is My guest room...?'" Mark 14:14 The Teacher was Jesus, Christ is still asking the same question: Where is My room? And in the home of ourlife, we answer Him. Your room is the foyer, where all who enter will know You are present in this home. Your room is the kitchen, for You are our provision and our source of strength. Your room is the family room, where You are the center of our family, our fellowship, our friendships and our entertainment. Your room is the bedroom, where we rest, secure in the knowledge of your protection. Your room is the study, for all knowledge begins and ends in You. Your room is the tool closet, for all my works of service are in vain, if they do not start with You. Your room is even the deck out back, where You can watch Your sunset over Your creation and remind us each day that all You have created is indeed very good. We give Him our whole house. Contributed by Ellis Bush (All Rights Reserved) mailto:74357.246@compuserve.com

Gramma and Grampa's House was last cleaned October 9,1997

Constructed by Gramma with assistance from Raptor Fan, Yee Ha and Jim at Silicon Valley North.

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