The Abidog Family Guestbook

This is our old guestbook before it was archived. Sign it here or return to our home page

Total: 30 guests
Name: ron
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: usa,pa
Time: 1997-04-05 16:31:00
Comments: Hi, great page, I really enjoyed the visit.
Name: Sweet Petite
Website: Sweet Petite's
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Michigan
Time: 1997-03-23 20:35:00
Comments: Hi, I enjoyed visiting all of you. Each of the pages were unique, yet they seemed to have flowed right together. Happy Easter! Sweet Petite
Name: d' Sias
Website: Rotunda d' Sias
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 1997-03-23 18:50:00
Comments: Hello again! We're back! We've just finished exploring your whole site, and it was an enjoyable experience. We especially like the design -- very good job, Rhoda. Also took the psychological quiz: that was hard, trying to rank those 5 people. Anyway, just saying "Hi!" again.

Cheers, d' Sias

Name: Joe Black
Website: Elijah's
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Originally Oklahoma,now Alma, Arkansas
Time: 1997-03-23 15:33:00
Comments: As of this writing, I just started my homepage--my first! Enjoyed my visit God Bless You All Joe
Name: d' Sias
Website: Rotunda d' Sias
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Canada
Time: 1997-03-22 03:56:00
Comments: Hello! Nice to see a web page by Filipinos. We haven't explored everything on your site yet, but we've enjoyed our visit so far. We've bookmarked your page and will definitely come back.

Why don't you visit our family sometime? Please sign the guestbook! We love hearing from people.

Cheers, d' Sias
Rotunda d' Sias
Name: John G. Wang
Website: John G. Wang's Web Site
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Berkeley, California USA
Time: 1997-03-15 16:09:00
Comments: Want to see a shameless plug for a web site? Check out: Virtual Aid where you can find resources to make surfing the web a breeze!
Name: Brenda Melissa
Website: Ding-ay's Tornado!!!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Singapore
Time: 1997-03-11 01:01:00
Comments: HI...
Name: Jeremy King
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattle
Time: 1997-03-03 14:59:00
Comments: I dig your homepage, its cool that you are sharing your family on the net.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-02-22 00:07:00
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-02-22 00:00:00
Comments: So how are you Faye? Don't delete this

Name: Reba D. Abenoja
Website: Don't got one!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Santa Cruz Area
Time: 1997-02-21 23:54:00
Comments: Wow!!! I'm impressed! You computer nerds! I wanna be just like you guys when I grow up! Buh-Bye Now!!! :-)
Name: Abigail D. Abenoja
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Watsonville, California
Time: 1997-02-21 23:42:00
Comments: Excellent creation!! GO DIAMOND!!
Name: Rene Alegre
Website: Life in America
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mercersburg,PA
Time: 1997-02-18 17:45:00
Comments: Nice page.Looking around for some kababayan.Kamusta sa lahat. Pasyal kayo sa amin.Sa kabilang kanto lang...
Name: Big Dave
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: San Jose, CA
Time: 1997-02-18 10:23:00
Comments: Hey Rhoda, this is so cool! Well I just thought I would drop you a line and let your family know that you do have friends at work. Oh, by the way, what IS an Abidog?
Name: Rosemarie Vargas-Clements
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Adelaide, South Australia AUSTRALIA
Time: 1997-02-17 02:55:00
Comments: G'Day! I found your homepage to be quite interesting. Keep adding more Filipino recipes in your homepage as I am missing my mum's cooking very much as I have moved interstate.
Name: Rhoda Faye
Website: you're looking at it
Referred by: From Geocities
From: read to find out!
Time: 1997-02-15 19:18:00
Comments: Hello, everyone! Hope you enjoy reading these pages. Please take the time to write us a little comment, because we would appreciate as much feedback as possible. We would like to make our family home page as interesting as can be! Thanks!
Name: Randall Chong
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Originally Singapore
Time: 1997-02-15 19:07:00
Comments: Hey Rhoda, thought I check out your family's homepage. It sure has a lot of interesting stuff in it. Anyhow, I wanted to let you know where to download the LED, "Moving ticker" program. The site is You can also download it from the It is extremely easy to use and it does not cost much either(Larry would like that). Okay, have to go. Talk to you Monday. Randall
Name: mark chua
Website: homsik's page
Referred by: From Geocities
From: boston/manila
Time: 1997-02-15 05:18:00
Comments: kamusta. it's nice to see filipinos here on the net. you guys have a nice and interesting homepage. well, God bless na lang.
Name: Ronald Abidog
Website: Snowboarding Rules
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Georgia
Time: 1997-02-13 09:45:00
Comments: I can't believe it. I found an identical person while surfin' the web. Right on... Give a pat on the backs of the family. I'm really proud they joined the information age. Over and out - BigBro =)
Name: Patricia A. O. Bunye
Website: Trisha Bunye's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Muntinlupa City, Philippines
Time: 1997-02-12 07:58:00
Comments: It's nice to see fellow Filipinos on the net. Great page!

Name: Faye Abidog
Website: Games and Stuff
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Maine, Alaska, San Jose, Bezerkley, Sunnyvale
Time: 1997-02-10 21:51:00
Comments: Check out my own home page, too! This is where it all started for me, and us!
Name: Veny L. Galvez
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Great Falls, VA
Time: 1997-02-10 17:47:00
Comments: I'm so glad to find old townmates!! You have a very interesting homepage and I have already added it to my bookmark. I would like to create our homepage too, so do give me some tips!!!
Name: Khanh (Elena) Lee
Website: Khanh's Goof Land
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Berkeley, CA
Time: 1997-02-09 19:56:00
Comments: Hi Rhoda and Family! Your site is very cool! I'll be sure to stop by often and to 'pass it on' to others! Great Job to everyone who worked on the site!
Name: Ma El (the cousin)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: the planet Zooorbak
Time: 1997-02-09 19:38:00
Comments: Neato page. :) Don't mind Dooz. He's just being a dork, Rhonda. Love, Ma El
Name: Dominic Viola
Website: Dom's Home Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Berkeley
Time: 1997-02-06 21:51:00
Comments: Hi Rhoda and family, Your web site is very informative about all of you. I like the picture on the main page. The "updated" signs are cool too. bye!
Name: John G. Wang
Website: John G. Wang's Home Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Berkeley, California
Time: 1997-02-06 16:29:00
Comments: Hi Rhoda! I'm very impressed with this web site; I especially like this guestbook! I didn't know you were well versed in CGI. I'm pleased to say that your web site helped me learn image mapping. Kudos! P.S. Say "Hi!" to your family for me.
Name: Tisha
Website: Tisha's Place
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Berkeley and San Francisco
Time: 1997-02-06 13:41:00
Comments: Hey Rhoda cool page!!!! i really enjoyed reading it:):) great work. Kumusta ka?...good i hope:) Mabuti ako..i just wanted to check it out and say hi....take care.. now i feel like i already know your family...tee hee...take care... okay sige bay! Tisha
Name: Duy Nguyen
Website: The Land of Dooz
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Berkeley, CA
Time: 1997-02-06 11:18:00
Comments: Wow, the Abidgo family webpage is such an excellent site. Faye Abidgo, you've outdone yourself this time. I'm sure your father Faustino Abidgo is proud of your accomplishment. I will have to tell your auntie Betty Abidgo what a great site this is and tell my girlfriend, Maria Eleanor Abidgo Mauricio, to sign this page.
Name: Dharti Desai
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: San Jose
Time: 1997-02-06 10:59:00
Comments: Nice Page. I am a friend of Rhoda's
Name: Victor Inouye
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Mars
Time: 1997-02-06 10:35:00
Comments: Nice Home page, But you need to get to work earlier. Needs more fishing TIPS.