According to the Gemmingen Parish Register (FHL Film #1189134) Hans Michael Klaar age 30, his wife Anna Barbara age 30 and their 3 children were leaving that parish for Pennsylvania. This was recorded by the sexton on 12 July 1717.4
For information on the Klaar's passage to America, where they landed in Virginia not Pennsylvania as intended and were part of the 1717 or Second Colony at Germanna and other information on the Germanna Colonies, I highly recommend the Germanna History notes by John Blankenbaker. They are available at the following URL: Notes # 528-536 relate the history of the passage but I recommend reading them all for a better understanding of the groups that make up the Germanna Colonies. Briefly, a group of Germans, among whom were Michael and Barbara Klaar as well as Michael's sister Susanna (Klaar), her husband Philipp Joseph Weber and their son Hans Dieterich Weber (aka Peter Weaver) contracted with one Capt. Tarbett of the ship Scott at Rotterdam, Holland for passage to Pennsylvania. It was customary for ships to stop over in England before continuing on to America and the Scott put in at London. While there Capt. Tarbett was put in prison for debt. After his release, Capt. Tarbett set sail for America and landed in Virginia where the Germans were sold as indentured servants. Unknown to the Germans, Capt. Tarbett had been in Virginia the year before and had contact with Alexander Spotswood to whom the Germans were indentured. Spotswood wanted a group to settle on the frontier as a buffer between the English settlers and the Native Americans.
For information on Michael Clore's life in Virginia, see Chronology of Michael Clore in Virginia.
Barbara, Michael Clore's first wife, died after 15 November 17505 probably in Culpeper Co., VA and he married second to Anne Elizabeth, surname unknown, before 14 July 1760 when she is mentioned as the mother-in-law [stepmother] of Peter Clore6. Michael's second wife, known as Elizabeth, died in 1766 in Culpeper Co., VA where an inventory of her estate was made 19 June 1766.7
Michael Clore died between 10 May 1762 when his will was made and 17 March 1763 when his will was probabted at Culpeper Co., VA.8
Link to Michael Clore's Will at Whaley Family Wills.
Michael Clore had the following children, all by his first wife Anna Barbara:
1. Maria Barbara Klaar
1. Gemmingen Parish Register, (FHL Film #1189134), Toten 1691-1729, p 24-25, recorded as age 30 on 12 July 1717.
2. Before Germanna #2, p 27, p 29.
3. Gemmingen Parish Register, Toten 1691-1729, p 24-25, recorded as age 30 on 12 July 1717.
4. Gemmingen Parish Register, Toten 1691-1729, p 24-25. An article on this entry by Andreas Mielke and Elke Hall, "Emigrants in the Gemmingen 'Departure List' of July 1717" was published in Beyond Germanna, Volume 15, Number 6, November 2003, p. 907-908.
5. Date of her last mention in records (Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book A, p 229-230).
6. Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book C, p 628-629.
7. Culpeper County, Virginia Will Book A, p 422.
8. Culpeper County, Virginia Will Book A, p 315.
9. Gemmingen Parish Register, Taufen 1691-1724, p 39.
10. Gemmingen Parish Register, Toten 1691-1729, p 11.
12. Gemmingen Parish Register, Taufen 1691-1724, p 44.
13. Gemmingen Parish Register, Toten 1691-1729, p 19.
14. Gemmingen Parish Register, Taufen 1691-1724, p 50.
15. Gemmingen Parish Register, Taufen 1691-1724, p 55.
16. On the importation record, no further mention in Virginia.
17. Gemmingen Parish Register, Taufen 1691-1724, p 61.
18. John Clore was not christened in Gemmingen, not listed by the pastor as leaving as were other members of his family, and not on the importation or headright lists so he must have been born in Virginia. His birth date is often given as earlier than 1717 because he patented land with his father on 28 September 1728 and they divided it on 20 May 1735 but they must have done so before his 21st birthday.
19. Catherine Clore is another child who was not christened in Gemmingen, not listed by the pastor as leaving there, not on the importation or headright lists so must have been born in Virginia. Her birthdate is often seen as c1715, probably because she was married before 19 May 1735. The birthdate of her first child indicates that Catherine was married in 1734 or early 1735.
20. Estimated date.
21. Estimated date.
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