This is a transcription of the Last Will and Testament of Aaron F.F. Jones from a copy of the original Will and presented here by his great grandson, James McCarty Robertson of Cordell, Oklahoma.
Georgia, Pike County
In the name of God, Amen. I, Aaron F.F. Jones, of said State and county, being of advanced age and knowing that I must shortly depart from this world, deem it right and proper, both as respects myself and family, that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind Providence has blessed me. I, therefore, make this my last Will and Testament, freely revoking and annulling all others heretofore made by me.
Item first: I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition. My soul, I trust shall return to rest with God who gave it, as I hope for eternal salvation through the blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whose religion I have professed, and as I humbly trust, enjoyed for.
Item second: I desire and direct that all my just debts be paid without delay, by my executor, hereinafter named, as I unwilling my creditors should be delayed of their rights, especially as there is no necessity for delay.
Item third: I want Archy T. Smith to dispose of a portion of Lot of land No. _____ being and & lying in said county and State above mentioned containing one hundred and ten acres (110). I desire and direct that said land be sold to satisfy one note that now stands open against me in the hands of E. T. Mastin.
Item fourth: I constitute and appoint my beloved Son-in-law Archy T. Smith Guardian for my two sons Edward Jones and Charlie Jones. I give and bequeath to my Son Charlie Jones one sorrel horse about seven years old and one black cow about three years old one bridle and saddle and one half of Lot of land No. _____ lying in Gilmore County State of Georgia, and one half of my household and kitchen furniture.
Item fifth: I give and bequeath to my Son Edward Jones one bay horse about eight years old and bridle & saddle and one young _____ cow three years and the land on which I now live twenty acres off of Lot of land No. _____ and one Gold lot of land lying in Cherokee county in this state (40) forty acres more or less No. _____ one half of my household and kitchen furniture.
Item sixth: The land around Friendship church is to remain until my Son Edward Jones arrives to the year of maturity-except-what I have already disposed of, then it to be sold and divided among the heirs of my body. None of timber shall be cut on the land which I give to my Son Edward Jones. It is my request that the three acres of land with the house, two acres off of the Lot now owned by Mr. Milner and one off of the lot now owned by Mr. Brown be sold by Archy T. Smith privately if he chooses to sell it.
Item (7): I give and bequeath to my Son Flornoy Jones one half of lot of land No. _____ lying in Gilmon County State of Georgia and one black _____ cow about four years old.
Item 8th (8): I give and bequeath to my Sister-in-law Elizabeth J. Clayton one cow that she now has in her possession.
Item (9): The mill lot-containing one hundred acres and mill is to be sold to satisfy my debts-Either privately or publictly.
Item (10): I give and bequeath to my three Daughters Mary Jane Smith, Elizabeth Clayton, Ella Clayton my sewing machine it is to be sold and the money divided equally among my three Daughters as above mentioned.
Item (11): My wagons and plantation tools to be sold and the money applied to my debts and the remainder of the money to be divided Equally between the heirs of my body.
Item 12: My Sons Charlie Jones & Edward Jones are not to have control of none of their property until they become of age, and then not if they are wild disposed.
Item (13th): Martha Ann Robertson, Emily Johnson, Flornoy Jones, Elliner Jones, Millie Ann Robertson, Mary Jane Smith, Elizabeth Clayton, Ella Clayton, Charlie Jones, and Edward Jones these are all the heirs of my body.
Item 14th: I have given and bequeathed to my Daughter Elliner Jones one hundred dollars which must be deducted from her part of my estate. _____ before assigned.
Item 15th: I sonstitute and appoint Archy T. Smith my beloved son-in-law Executor to this my last Will and Testament, this May 31st 1878 A.D.
Aaron F.F. Jones
Signed, sealed, declared and published by Aaron F.F. Jones as his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us the subscribers, who subscribed our names hereto in the presence of said Testator and of each other this May 31st 1878.
E.T. Watson J.E. Smith William Perkins
Georgia, Pike County
I, E.T. Watson do solemnly swear that I saw A.F.F. Jones sign seal and heard him publish and declare the within writing to be and contain his last Will & Testament, and at the time theret he was of sound diasposing mind & memory & that he did it freely without compulsion to the best of my knowledge & belief & that I signed said will in the presence of said A.F.F. Jones, at this request, & that I saw J.E. Smith & Wm Perkins the other two witnesses sign the same as witnesses in the presence of Testator and in presence of each other on the day it purports to have been executed.
E.T. Watson
Sworn to and subscribed before me in open court this 6th day of January 1879. T.J. Blassingame, Ordinary.
Georgia, Pike County
I do solomenly swear, that the foregoing writing probated this day as the last will and testament of Aaron F.F. Jones deceased, contains the true last will of the within named Aaron F.F. Jones deceased so far as I know or believe, and that I will well and truly execute the same, by paying first the debts and then the legalies contained in the said will, as far as his good and chattels will thereto execute and the law charge me, and that i will make a true and perfect inventory of all such goods and chattels, so help me God.
A.T. Smith
Sworn to and subscribed before me this January 6th 1879. T.J. Blassingame, Ordinary.
Recorded this January 7th 1879. T.J. Blassingame, Ordinary.
Transcribed from a copy of the original Will by a great grandson: James McCarty Robertson 1107 North West Street Cordell, Oklahoma 73632-2635 (580) 832-2888 E-Mail: Home Page:
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