Christian Hypocrites !

Those Christians, they say one thing and do another, why should we believe them? The charge of hypocrisy is often based on a misunderstanding of the Christian message. It is sometimes thought that in calling ourselves Christians we are claiming to be morally superior to others. Then, when we fail, we are charged with hypocrisy. But the Christian claim is that we are forgiven sinners, not the morally superior.

Do not judge Christianity based on the actions of those who claim to be followers. Judge Christianity solely on the actions and life of Jesus Christ. He never let anyone down. He never abandoned anyone. He was not a hypocrite. His love is not conditional on your actions, His gift of Salvation is available to everyone, regardless of who they are or what they've done.

Why be a Christian when many are hypocrites? It is true that many Christians are hypocrites and are not as good as you are. Famous preachers of Christianity have reportedly swindled hard-earned dollars from others. Some pastors do not practice what they preach.

Christians who mistreat others are still Christians, but at the moment that they are mistreating others they are not practicing Christians. All Christians have been like that to some degree sometimes. Only Jesus was never a hypocrite.

You should be a Christian because you will have to pay the penalty for your own sins unless you accept the payment which has already been made for you by Christ's substitutionary death.

All Christians are sinners, but not all Christians are hypocrites. Don't be too hasty to pass judgement. Christians have the same human nature and weaknesses that the rest of humanity has.

See Christianity as a relationship with God, not as an institution. Growing up in a Christian home does not mean that you are a Christian. Going to church does not mean that you are going to be saved. Christianity is about a relationship with God and choosing to obey him.

Still, it is possible for even true Christians to do some hypocritical things. Paul accused the apostle Peter of hypocrisy when he ate with non-Jews only when Jews were not around to see. This is the same Peter who said he didn't know Jesus on the night He was crucified. Peter did some hypocritical things, because he was still a morally weak human being; however, this does not make him the same kind of hypocrite as the religious leaders that Jesus chewed out in Matthew 23.

Christians make no claim to perfection, or for that matter, being better than anyone else. "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." (1John 1:8). You don't need a minister, or a pope, or an evangelist, or a missionary. All you need is Jesus Christ. He will always be there for you.