Tom's Guestbook

Tom's 1999 Guestbook

Thanks for visiting. Here are some comments left by other visitors to this site.

John Hogan - 08/07/99 18:36:00
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I though this site was excellent giving a timely warning to all who care to visit. I believe that we are in the last of the last days and as such many Christians are 'faling away from the faith' in favour of having their ears tickled by these weird and wonderful doctrines. I used to belong to such a church here in Northern Ireland and all I ever saw was heart break and misery, as Christians became materialistic, greedy, selfish and cared little for the precious love of Christ prefering to fall on the ground with their eyes rolling in their heads they did not take time studying the scriptures, buiding up their faith getting to know their saviour they trusted in vain prophesies spoken by men who claimed to be prphesying and declaring the will of God - as a result of this activity many Christian walks were ruined... I believe the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 7: 20-23 are very appropriate and all 'Word of faith?' preachers like Hinn, Copeland, Hagen etc should beware because heaven and hell is at stake... Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith to me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And I will profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME YE THAT WORK INIQUITY. God's grace alone will bring a man to heaven without the working of miracles But miracles will never bring a man to heaven without God's grace! We need to get our eyes off men and focus on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith, and may God give us the grace to proclaim his word faithfully in this era of great apostasy.

Jess - 07/12/99 06:08:35
How did you find our page?: I looked up 'High River'.

Hi! You have a very interesting page. Perhaps more variety. Jess p.s. How do I find the High River Times?

david - 06/28/99 13:44:03
Comments: very good
Suggestions: keep on improving
How did you find our page?: surf the net

well done

Johnny Plunkett - 06/08/99 04:14:58

Hi Tom, I did come by to see your site.

LeeAnn Jones - 06/04/99 15:08:04
Comments: Thank you for the resources. May God bless you and yours.
Suggestions: Keep up the great work.
How did you find our page?: Free For All Christian Link Page

Useful resources. Thanks and keep up the good work. May God bless you and yours.

Gustavo Agosto - 05/30/99 20:50:32
Comments: Your material are excellent
Suggestions: none at this momment
How did you find our page?: Brawsing for counterfit revival

I VERY strongly fell that we must ALL join ranks and for the one billion souls that is estimated to join this new "Revival" to determine in our heart to put an end to it...By becoming one in Christ...Lets get together, CRI and the rest of God's army saint and together we shall win for greatest is He that is with us than he who is against us. I know that I will not sleep, eat or even breath until I do something about it, the question is will you. Russia(USSR) had the world's greatest secret police, they w re invincible or so they thought. Untill one man, did you hear that ONE man decided to change it all. And he did. From our own Primitive Christian church we know that not even the forces of Rome could stop the gospel for it is the power of God. One of us ill do it, some how God will give us the wisdom and knowledge as to how to do it. But we will after all it is His church. I will be the first on the baddle fields. Lets all pray together but we must also join for it is the devine will of God. You can b sure that I Gustavo Agosto a mere micro dot will not let this go by without letting God's truth be heard. God bless you.In The Master's Service:Gustavo Agosto.

Gustavo Agosto - 05/30/99 11:39:22
Comments: Excellent work that you are doing
Suggestions: Lets find a way to join forces to expose all these false teachers and prophets lifes are in danger
How did you find our page?: I was searching for materials on the counterfit revival

Dear brothers in the Lord may we all find a way to join forces including CRI and others to do what no one has yet been able to accomplish and that is to be the ONE body that we are and work together for one couse to save

Sharon Thomas - 05/27/99 18:00:47
Comments: This looks good.
Suggestions: none
How did you find our page?: "Surfing" to see what others have done, since I'm "spanking" new at web designing.

Come on over and take a look at "Joybeams".

charlie robbins - 05/27/99 03:41:06
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/9300/
How did you find our page?: link from page with info on latter rain movement

liked the "is the church israel" article!right on!

Tim Greenwood - 05/17/99 22:05:36
How did you find our page?: Searched on Hank Hinygraft


Your historical "Christian" slambook does not in any way represent the actual current teachings of any of these servants of God. Perhaps it would be good if you were to actually hear for yourself what the current teachings are by these men -- rather t an gleaning information from slanted, biased, one-sided, 2nd and 3rd+ sources.
Go and hear for yourself what they have to say -- their meetings are open to the public. Many of these men would be happy to discuss the issues with you directly should you actually ask. 1 Chr 16:22
Stop by and take a look!

A couple of comments. I wanted to comment on your statements because I find it interesting how so many are very quick to accuse me of not taking the time to do my research and to find out the truth before I speak forth, yet I see so many, such as your com ents, where the people making the accusations do not take the time to find out what I have done.

I should add that my wife has received teaching from Marc Dupont, which was actually what started our research. We became quite concerned when we heard some of the teaching at that conference. I have also taken the time to converse via email with many ,ma y people in the movement, including some of the leaders. I have spent hours, days amnd weeks checking out facts, and using sites favourable to the movement as a major part of my verification activity.

In our document, I have asked anyone who finds errors to let me know the specifics and provide two sources that allow me to verify what you claim. I would ask you to take up this challenge. I have made the same challenge to many others, including leaders n the movement, and any errors found were typically typos or minor points, which have been corrected.

The fact that there have been no errors of any substance noted is something that I believe speaks well for the accuracy of the document.

Char Tierney - 05/12/99 20:53:14
How did you find our page?: through another link

Greetings in Jesus' name. The Father has told us to post a message to christians world-wide, so in obedience, we are sharing with you. . Please understand that it is NOT an advertisment for anything. Jesus does what He does with reason, we hope you look into it and ask Him about it. The message is the following prophecy in part: Jesus is returning, and soon, but our legacy to Him is the earth basically unchanged since last He was here. Our legacy is the ever-growing moral decay, the innocent blood, the mockery made of Jesus' name, the war against the family, the uncovering of the children who kill each other and their teachers and parents as never before. The ripping away of the existence of God in history books and classrooms. Prayer becoming illegal. We stood by in silence. If Ninevah could change because Jonah obeyed God and stepped through the gates of that horrifying city, what could the Body of CHRIST have done, how different could it have been if WE had obeyed? If we had loved Jesus more than ourselves? The whole world is Nineveh, and this is our offering to our returning Bridegroom. This prophecy was given by Silvana Lupetti on March 27, 1999 - the news reports were written since. LATEST: Students charged in bomb scares - May 12, 1999 Christians criticized at funeral - April 30, 1999 Girl, 14, shot in face at school in Baton Rouge - April 22, 1999 Massacre at school: April 20, 1999 Movie mocks God and Jesus: April 6,1999 Girl 11, beats 14 month old baby to death: April 6,1999 Easter Rejection: April 4, 1999 Twins, 11, Shoot Parents to Death: April 3,1999 God Thrown Out Of Cemeteries: March 31, 1999

heather adams - 05/10/99 17:11:59
How did you find our page?: i was lost had to search mom told me


Ed Crowell - 03/12/99 18:31:11
Comments: Excellant
How did you find our page?: Barry


orrel Steinkamp - 03/01/99 01:23:06


Larry Ingram - 02/22/99 22:54:32
How did you find our page?: Link

Congratulations! Your site is displayed on the Web's largest Christian link page. Link as many of your different pages as you like... Please capture one of the Free For All Christian Link Page banners and place it on your site with a link back to the Free For All Christian Link Page. Please capture the banner from: and display on your page with the following HTML code: For the 1st banner or the 2nd banner or the 3rd banner Please remember that the more sites who display the banner, the more visits to your web page. In Him, Larry Ingram Christian Web Site of the Day In the Beginning... total Christian resources

End Time Ministries - 02/06/99 01:45:20
How did you find our page?: Surfing

Just saying hello from the Garden State, New Jersey! Be Blessed!

Andy - 02/02/99 03:02:55
How did you find our page?: link

After reading the short excerpts that you have in your page, I couldn't help but to comment on the nature of science. Science is a dynamic and changing process by which knowledge of the universe is acquired. All that your excerpts prove is that scientis s change their theories when contrary evidence emmerges. To show that scientific theories change is no reason to doubt that the scientific methodology itself is incorrect. Indeed, the very nature of science is to change with available evidence. A scien ific theory is characterized by an explanation of observations and corresponding predictions about future observations. If the predictions of a theory come to pass, then this is powerful, additional evidence that the theory is true. Technology itself i a manifestation of the predictive powers of scientific theories and laws. (A scientific 'law' is a claim about reality. Whereas a scientific 'theory' is merely an explanation for observations.) Science is the ultimate truth detector; what better way to know if a claim is true, than to observe reality and see? You may question individual observations (most of your excerpts were questioning observations), but what justifies a scientific theory is the body of observations by many different observers. If he evidence contested in your articles were the only evidence of evolution or that the earth is billions of years old, then there would be legitimate reason to question those theories. One fundamental aspect of science is that it only seeks to verify TES ABLE claims. The claim that God exists and God created the universe is inherently untestable, along with the claim that leprechauns and fairies exist. Christians should not think that science is anti-religious or that science seeks to prove religion fal e. Most religious claims are altogether outside of the realm of scientific scrutiny. What is subject to scientific scrutiny is the claim that the earth is about 10,000 years old. As of today, there is insufficient evidence to substantiate this claim. oreover, the existence of anything older than 10,000 years would show this claim to false at once. In fact, such specimens do exist ( Of course, you may reject the testimony of scientists, but keep this in mind if Creationism is correct, and the universe and earth are really only about 10,000 years old, then far more people would have to be lying then vice versa.

Bill - 01/31/99 22:02:58
Comments: Praise the Lord for His goodness and salvation
How did you find our page?: surfing

Praise the Lord! Jesus saves

Bill - 01/31/99 22:02:08
Comments: Praise the Lord for His goodness and salvation
How did you find our page?: surfing

Praise the Lord! Jesus saves

Susan - 01/24/99 02:44:17
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Hey there! What a wonderful site-one of the best I've seen in a long time! It's always encouraging to see a fellow Christian reaching out on the web-keep up the great work! Keep your eyes on Christ! God bless!

kim - 01/18/99 14:11:13
Comments: Good homepage music
How did you find our page?: Thru the Midnight Herald


Teresa - 01/11/99 04:55:29
Comments: very nice page
How did you find our page?: I subscribe to the Christ Chat e-group and saw your reference to your laughter page there so I came to see


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