Holy Laughter /Toronto Blessing Research Information Information concerning the Renewal Movement, The Pensacola Outpouring (Brownsville Revival), Toronto Blesssing, and associated movements.
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Preach the Word: be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Tim 4:2-4 |
The following are links to web pages which contain information regarding the movement currently going throughout many churches, but especially promoted by Rodney Howard-Browne, the Toronto Airport Christian fellowship (TACF) and The Vineyard. This movement, otherwise known as "Holy Laughter" is seriously impacting the church, and it is important that any Christians desiring to know the truth should be as the Bereans (Acts 17:11), and should be testing any and all spirits, including the ones involved in this movement to see how the doctrine presented lines up against scripture.
It is our opinion that this movement is far more serious than simply an expression of unbiblical doctrine and manifestation, but represents a movement which is attempting to redefine Christianity from within the church by causing people to move from testing by the Bible as the standard for correct and orthodox doctrine, to the use of experience as the ultimate test of doctrine.
The seriousness of the implications for the church of a movement rapidly gaining influence which moves people from scripture to experience cannot be overstated.
HISTORICAL AND DOCTRINAL STUDY OF THE LAUGHTER MOVEMENT (NOW INCLUDES THE PENSACOLA OUTPOURING!)In this document, which contains a text summary, as well as links to a "flowchart" showing the links between various movements, people and organizations, we have attempted to provide a resource to help others in getting the broad overview.
The document consists of a text document, which has HTML links back to the charts to show you where each person, organization or movement fits into the picture. If you wish to view the charts separately, here are the links:
Copyright- Permission is granted to distribute the text plus both charts as a single document in their entirety and without revision for non-commercial purposes. If any part of these documents, these documents as a whole are to be distributed by themeselves or with other documents in exchange for money or other value, contact the author for permission.
DOCTRINAL SUMMARY, Complete With a Catalogue of Manifestations
This set of three charts provides an overview comparing orthodox Christian doctrines with doctrines commonly endorsed or accompanying this movement. It should be noted that not all the doctrines listed are held by all persons in the movement, but are typical based upon input that I have received both from personal email and sources within the movement.
This is a document that I have written to examine the drunkenness experience promoted so widely among proponents of the movement. This document examines whether the basis put forward by the proponents holds any water when tested agisnt scripture, and looks at what scripture does specifically say with respect to drunkenness in the spirit.
(See also testimony section further down on this same page)
The roots of this movement are the same as the Toronto movement, and there are many concerns about what we see coming from this movement. There are many false claims, claims of endorsement by Christian leaders which I have investigated and were denied, testimonies/reports that do not hold water when checked out. The following documents give considerable background to what is going on at the Brownsville A/G in Pensacola, Florida.
On April 6, 1997, John Kilpatrick (Pastor of B'ville A/G in Pensacola) issued the sermon linked to the title, and in it prophecied the destruction of CRI 90 days later, on or about July 5, 1997. John Kilpatrick has now issued an apology. John Kilpatrick is to be commended for issuing the apology, but some questions/concerns were left unaddressed, in my opinion. THE CONTENDERS
Other Links on the Holy Laughter/Toronto Blessing
This is a simple guide and reference document based upon scripture intended to assist in determining whether a prophet, a prophecy, or a spirit is of God or not. This does not replace the need to have a good understanding of scripture but is intended to help point you to the relevant portions of scripture.
In the church today, we see a large and growing move towards unity. Is this the correct focus? Is unity always good? is Division wrong? What does scripture says about this? How important is unity in the light of sound doctrine?
In another good article on the same topic, THE BASIS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, Ron Dykstra examines the basis upon which Christian unity is to be based. This article from Reformed Polemics has a Reformed theological perspective. It presents a sound doctrinal position, and thus is of value for all members of true Christian church.
The inclusion of this topic on this page is an effort to get members of the church considering the topic of unity, since the laughter movement focuses heavily on the creation of "unity" within the church. In the light of this, it is important that we understand what we mean when we speak of unity, and the scriptural basis for unity.
Sound Doctrine is critical for true Christian unity. What is sound doctrine? Why is it important? This sermon outline by Pastor Barry Marsten is an excellent overview on the topic of Sound Doctrine.
An investigation into the reality of the claims made in the "Transformations" video release by George Otis Jr. and the Sentinel Group.
This is a very power article by a former Pastor of a Vineyard Church in Toronto. It is a "must read" for anyone who desires to know the truth about this movement . He goes into details about the errors and deception in the movement and gives some background as to what happened and why.
We are often quoted that line from Matthew 7, "Judge not and be not judged" - but what does this verse say in context of that chapter and what does scripture teach throughout about judging? This document is an examination from a scriptural context with respect to what scripture say about how to judge, when to, and when not to judge.
Excellent document put together by Dr. Eddy Cheong, who has been researching the laughter movement. This document has now been published in hardcopy.
A excerpt from Mainstream, the newsletter from Banner Ministries with information on movements within the church, such as the laughter movement. See link to web site with more Banner Ministries/Mainstream excerpts below.
A sermon by David Wilkerson, delivered in 1982, but still relevant today. In this sermon, Rev. Wilkerson discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in glorifying Jesus Christ. In my opinion, a very important and timely message.
Jonathan Edwards is commonly quoted (or mis-quoted) by those within the Holy Laughter movement as a prime example of an earlier occurence of Holy Laughter, and suggest that his writings support the basis for the movement. This document examines the writi ngs of Jonathan Edwards in the light of these contentions. Read also his book, Treatise on Religious Affections" which discusses the manifestations during the great awakening, and how to discern the godly from the questionable or ungodly, and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".Also, visit the Jonathan Edward's Sermons web-site. Jonathan Edwards was a very central figure to the Great Awakenings. This is an opportunity to read some of what he had to say regarding revival.
Excellent webpage, with considerable information and links regarding the laughter movement, Promise Keepers, and NewAge.
A book by Pentecostal Pastor Bill Randles. A excellent overview.
A Book written by Stephen Sizer of the Anglican Church.
This website has more information on Promise Keepers and the Laughter movement, including a section with testimonies from those formerly in the movement.
A great set of resource documents on many aspects of the movement.
A good presentation of the issues, concerns and case against the Toronto Blessing by Ari Hamalainen
Yet another database on non-orthodox movements, specifically from a Reformed perspective.
A Ministry Dedicated To Exposing False Preachers, Doctrines and Cults.
An overview of the movement, showing the differences between the doctrines of the movement and sound Bible based doctrine.
A website which contains some interesting documents regarding the Word-Faith movement and the laughter movement.
Antti Huima from Finland maintains a webpage on the laughter movement. Highly recommended.
An insightful document written by Antti Huima from Finland who maintains his own wepage on the Toronto experience. His page is highly recommended.
Another document by Antti Huima which compares the ancient cultic practice of Kundalini with the practices at Toronto.
A number of articles regarding Dominions, Restorationism and the Shepherding movement.
The laughter movement proponents say to "test the fruit" (Though scripture tells us to test the spirits and doctrines also, as did the Bereans). Here are some testimonies of the "fruit" of this movement.
An eyewitness testimony of the Brownsville AOG.
Yet another testimony of an encounter with the Toronto Blessing/Holy Laughter.
A powerful testimony of one person who has come out of the movement. This testimony is, in my opinion, a must read for anyone who desires to know what is really happening.
A part of the student revival that spread throughout many colleges in the 1995 timeframe. Note that this revival was one that brought the students to repentance and to get rid of those things that kept them from a closer relationship with God. Note that even the participants refer to sobriety as a characteristic of this revival, not laughter or drunkenness.
A true modern day revival. God has worked in the hearts of men and women and transformed a anti-trinitarian cult into an orthodox Christian church. God does not need great exhibitions of manifestations, rather His most powerful work is transforming the hearts of men into a right relationship with Him. Although this does not deal with the laughter movement, I feel that it is important to give God the glory where He is working in the lives of people and to be showing an example of what a revival is, not just what it is not.
In Luke 15:16-24, Jesus tells us of the parable of the banquet thrown by the rich man, and those that he called had some excuse not to come, so he went elsewhere and brought in those that were looked down upon. Perhaps many whom God has called have not answered because they were "partying", so His Holy Spirit found others who, despite their heretical doctrines, were notheless, willing to turn to Him when He called, and they were willing to turn from their false doctrines to the truth.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:21 that not everyone who says "Lord, Lord", will enter the kingdom of heaven.
The story of the Worldwide Church of God is presented in a new book by Joseph Tkach, Pastor-General of the WCG, Transformed by Truth.
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