Dave Adams - 06-13-32
Joseph Arcus Adkins 10-01-82
Herman Winfred Adkins - 05-16-47
Winright Adkins - 04-22-47
Dewey Amburgey - c. 1947
Grady Kanan Amburgey - 08-28-42
Edward Mitchell Anderson - 06-05-47
Garland Anderson - 01-25-82
Luther S. Anderson - 07-18-52
Stancy A. Anderson - 08-22-35
William Joe Arden - 04-04-78
Rev. Curtis C. Arney - 05-02-56
Luther Arrington - (?)
Smith Arrington - 04-22-38
Click here to view a picture of Smith Arrington
Uris Taze Artrip - 05-20-48
Gregory Lane Barton - 05-15-87
Cecil Burns Baker - 08-10-49
J. Marvin Baker - 02-03-66
David Peter "Dave" Bartley - 12-10-43
Hobert Melton Beaver - 1936
Frank Beverly - 01-29-46
Earl Bise - 08-01-51
Jessie Walton Blackstone - 08-27-34
Cecil J. Blevins - 10-29-94
Virgil Blevins - 08-11-58
George Blizzard - 01-03-67
Crawford Boggs - 08-03-40
Jake Bowman - 12-30-70
Herbert Lane Bradley - 12-30-70
James Russell Bradley -12-13-87
George Dewey Branham - 10-21-22
William Everett Branham, Sr. -12-20-62
Donald Breeding - 06-07-76
Dyke Brooks - (?)
Haskel Buchanan - 1929
J. B. Burke - 10-17-51
David K. Carlton - 12-07-92
Richard Wallace Carson - 04-04-78
Walter Junion Casteel - 08-20-61
Clinton Chaffin - (?)
Tyler James Lewis Chaffin - 03-28-61
George M. Childress - 07-13-32
Ronnie Lynn Clay - 05-19-77
Cowan Colley - 1944
Thaddeus Colley - 03-24-42
Shade Compton - 05-29-63
Vince Compton - 08-20-63
Trinkle Conaway - 11-01-61
Bruce Cooper - 08-03-44
Carter C. Counts - 06-17-40
Clyde Counts - c. 1928
Colbert "COL" Counts - 07-13-47
Fearl Counts - 05-28-48
Mary K. "KAT" Counts - 06-21-83
Carl B. Cox - 07-24-86
Carter Glass Crabtree - 08-30-54
Oakley Creger - 05-20-48
Jewell Cruise - 01-10-11
Bud Dales - 05-23-63
John H. Davis - 10-03-39
Oscar Dawdle - 06-13-32
Carl E. Deel - 06-02-82
Fred H. Deel - 04-24-53
Henry Clayton Deel - 06-21-71
James Allen Deel - 02-27-74
Michael Joe Deel - 09-(?)-80
William Frenchman Deel -1-8-58
"Big Tooth George" Defonas - 1944
Charles Delaney - (?)
Fenden Delaney - 02-18-74
Emory Dickenson - 03-21-58
Luther Dingus - 07-18-41
Samuel P. Dishman - 10-02-56
Cossie Dorton - 11-18-66
Lee Dotson - 05-11-69
Allen Dutton - 10-28-43
Everette Dutton - 01-24-47
Gilbert Dutton - 10-28-43
John Clayton "Johnny" Dutton - 08-16-73
Charles Elbert "Charlie" Duty - 10-12-67
Meredith O. Duty - 03-27-41
Basil Edwards - 10-22-40
Evans Edwards - 08-17-55
Virgil Wayne Edwards - 03-03-77
Wesley Edwards - 06-13-30
Troy Jake "Jakie" Elkins - 12-14-70
Charles Ervin - 01-08-46
George Alexander "Alex" Fields - 10-02-59
Banner Fleming - 04-10-45
Joe L. Fleming - 08-07-63
John E. Fleming - 08-05-47
Leonard Fleming - 02-26-44
Peter Robert Fleming - 07-19-51
Stuart Fleming - c. 1960
Virgil Fleming - c. 1940
Covey J. French - 06-21-83
Roy Lee "Goat" French - 05-23-84
Luther "Sand Daddy" Fullen - c. 1935
Dewey Buchanan "Buck" Fuller - 02-20-89
Garland Bruce Fuller - 10-15-23
Reed Gilbert - 06-21-29
Harold Franklin Glover - 03-07-51
Darrell Junior Green - 02-16-84
Ernest A. Hall - 06-21-83
Gilmer Hall, Sr. - 1930
King Solomon Hall - 1923
Lonza Hall - 09-25-67
Cecil Harris - 12-03-80
Hansel Edward "Gabe" Hawkins - 10-29-74
James Blaine "Jimmy" Hawkins - 08-08-30
Paul L. Hayes - 04-29-76
Robert E. Helbert - 08-06-62
Charlie K. Herron - -06-25-58
Bruce Hibbitts - 04-08-49
Ulysses Grant Hibbitts - 06-07-14
Anthony Hill - 06-13-47
Rome Hill - 06-13-47
Tex Autry Hill - 08-25-80
David R. Hillman - 11-10-89
Ralph Holfield - 02-22-46
Lee Holley - c. 1942
Nick Honaker - 06-13-32
Johnnie Lee Hubbard - 06-06-84
Fred Hughes - 07-19-55
James Robert "Jimmy" Jessie - 12-16-64
Bill Johnson - 01-11-57
Dewey "Sonny" Johnson - 09-15-60
Marion E. Johnson - 04-04-78
Tavis Johnson - 03-05-70
Huston Jones - 1936
McClellan Jones, Jr. - 12-14-72
Jim Keith - c. 1948
John Smith Kendrick, Jr. - 06-08-49
Burman Lee Kiser - (?)
Charlie C. Kiser - 04-13-51
Lance Kiser - 08-06-59
Clyde Burnice Large - 04-01-58
Rex Lawson - 10-05-62
Gurston Layne -09-09-42
Robert E. Lee - 07-07-44
Mack Long - 09-30-50
Sherman Love - 11-07-20
Jeffrey Lyall - 08-24-76
Gary B. Lyles - 12-11-70
Joe Marcus - 04-09-63
Kermit Martin - 06-16-47
Richard E. Matda - 12-13-37
Clyde Matney - 06-13-32
Sam Mayberry - c. 1946
Jimmy Mays - 08-03-31
Raymond Mays - 03-25-53
Bob McClanahan - c. 1925
Worley F. McClellan - 10-02-50
Bluford McCoy - 07-31-57
Cecil O. McCoy - 12-30-70
Floyd Strantton McCoy - 12-31-70
John Henry McCoy - 09-09-52
Luther J. McCoy - 06-21-83
Harry McFall - 09-01-48
Guy McMillan - 06-29-61
Lloyd McMillan - 06-18-53
Samuel P. McNeely - 1931
Eugene W. Meade - 06-21-83
Robert J. "Bobby" Mead - 06-04-79
Ova Mickell - 11-02-59
Ben Miller - 10-22-48
Silas Wedner "Sigh" Miller - 11-01-38
Arthur J. Mills - 08-27-82
James Mooney - 04-17-54
Benjamin F. Moore - 02-24-84
Johnny Moore - 10-07-41
Tolbie Moore - (?)
Mike Morris - 1-19-27
Dock Mullins - 01-30-32
Earl Mullins - c. 1937
Ed Mullins - 06-12-32
Garcie Mullins - 06-04-43
James Ellis "Gar" Mullins - 12-07-92 Click here to view a picture of James Ellis
James Houston Mullins - 12-17-70
James Junior Mullins - 03-05-75
Jess Mullins - 06-04-68
John Henry Mullins - 08-14-65
Leslie Harold Mullins, Jr. - 08-15-82
Mikell D. Mullins - 12-07-92
Pridemore Mullins - 11-06-50
Roger Dale Mullins - 02-23-83
Stratton Mullins - 09-11-70
Truman Wilson Mullins - 09-30-91
William Gip Mullins - 07-24-72
Elmer Null - 06-13-32
Richard "Screech" O'Dell - 11-01-38
J. W. "Jimmy" O'Quin - 05-31-94
here to view a picture of Jimmy O'Quin
Warren O'Quinn - 01-10-40
Brian S. Owens - 12-07-92
"Peve" Owens - 05-22-63
William George "W. G." Owens - 02-15-77
Monroe D. Patrick - 06-07-76
Caudle P. Phillips - 09-26-38
Clell B. Phillips - 1936
John Phillips - 07-20-40
Powell Percell Phillips - 1910
Tony Dorton Phillips - 04-13-51
Troy Phillips - 05-20-48
David Walter Phipps - 06-19-55
Denver Dallas Potter - 01-03-81
Albert Powers - 01-07-38
Clayton Powers - 02-24-60
Dewey Dallas Powers - 03-04-52
Emory Raymond "Boone" Powers - 11-05-77
William Valentine Propast - 04-08-35
Roscoe Quesenberry - 06-19-70
James Darrell Rasnick - 05-20-48
Kyle Rasnick - 09-12-66
Tyler Rasnick - 10-04-62
Tom Ratliff - 04-22-38
Kelver Vernon Ratliff -12-09-49
Leffie Lee Ray - 12-14-56
Otis "Paddlefoot" Reese - 01-06-56
John Riley - (?)
Forest Carter "F. C." Riner, Jr. - 06-21-83
Roy Robinson - 05-12-55
Mirko Roknich - 01-19-27
Alvie Rose - 0927-83
Avery William Rose - 02-03-66
Clinard Rose - 02-04-56
Evert J. Rose - 05-18-45
Frankie Rose - 04-30-69
Lee Arlin Rose - 10-23-81
Lorenza Dow Rose - 06-22-88
John Glenn Seals - 08-28-89
Fred Sensabaugh - 02-04-57
Richard Lawrence Shelby - 04-04-78
Jasper Simmons - c. 1940
James Uriah Skeen - 09-07-52
Giles Skeens - 12-20-60
Stewart Skeens - 07-08-43
Samuel R. "Sam" Sliger - 04-20-25
Charles Huston Smith - 01-07-21
Edward Smith - (?)
Elmer Smith - 11-25-29
Jerry Wayne Smith - 10-23-81
Lacy Harold Smith - 10-21-75
Tilden Smith - (?)
Henry Sparks - 06-11-64
Roy Sproles - 06-13-32
Dale Stamper, Jr. - 06-21-83
Ed Stanford - (?)
Ave Stanley - 04-18-42
Chester Stanley - 01-06-49
Jennings Stanley - 08-01-28
Roy Lee Stanley - 12-17-59
Jim Steffey - (?)
Leman Stewart - 04-21-47
Ted Carter Street - 12-26-87
Cecil Stump - 06-13-32
Eli O'Dell Sutherland - 05-09-69
Freddie Lee Sutherland - 03-08-84
Kedrick Sutherland - 04-22-38
Kenneth Reece Sutherland - 05-10-56
Maynard Sutherland - 06-16-48
Omar Sutherland - 03-07-86
Walker Sutherland - 04-22-38 Click here to view a picture of Walker Sutherland
George Sweeney - 11-27- 45
Willard Sweeney - 09-25-59
Euther Moreland Sykes - 12-08-18
Ireland Lafayette Sykes - 01-14-30
Adam Thomas - 03-14-61
Curtis Ronald Thomas - 09-13-79
Henry M. "Big Hen" Thomas - 04-06-56
Ira "Slim" Thomas - 09-21-62
James F. Trivett, Jr. - 09-30-47
Arthur Turner - 06-20-69
Leonard Turner - 06-04-68
Verl Ray Vanover - 08-20-84
Arnold Vicars - 05-20-48
Larkin Viers - 10-18-28
Beldon Wallace - 06-17-47
Drew Wallace - 06-13-32
Lee Roy Wallace - 08-06-54
William Panky Wallace - 12-07-70
Arthur Wampler - 12-11-58
Carlose Wampler - 03-22-73
Frank Wampler - 03-20-58
Ancil McKinley West - 08-21-78
Virgil Wheatley - 04-21-51
James Albert Williams - 10-30-81
Mancy L. Williams - 11-07-63
Andrew Willis - 11-15-39
Arnold Willis - 02-05-57
Delbert Willis - 06-13-32
Landon Willis - 07-28-34
Odell Woods - 08-30-66
Andrew Wright - 03-13-67
Donald C. "Don" Yates 11-28-72
Farley Yates - 09-28-81
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