Cool Stuff You Just Hafta Check Out!

Bored?  Need something to peak your interests?  Try out the
following sites, recommended by 7 out of 10 Culters
(even if there aren't that many of us, go with the joke!)
Perhaps some of the funniest guys you will EVER hear on the radio.  Visit their website and find out more about Tom, Bob, Chick and Christy (even see a picture of Chick McGees nekkid butt)!
Home of the University of Cincinnati Bearcat Basketball team, Oscar Robinson, the Polio Vaccine, Bob Huggins, and of course, me!
Wanna see one of the coolest and largest non profit conservation organizations in the WORLD?  Doing their best to preserve natural areas for your childern and mine!
Is smelling frying bacon supposed to make me vomit?  Wanna see some of the most interesting facts regarding the development of your baby?  Drop by this site!
Having problems finding anything on the web?  Try one of the most inclusive web search engines out there!