A little about me!

I am a 45 year old male, divorced raising two daughters since they were babies myself and with a few bits of help here and there from my mom and other folks. I like to raise poultry and birds and other animals. I have had pets since I was three. My oldest daughter likes raising birds also and so does my dad. Of course we like to be on the web. I often wonder what people that lived 2 or 3 generations ago would think if they could come here and now to see how far things have come since then. I guess people of the future will probably think the same thing when I'm gone. It's really strange that the telephone made things change so drastically, who would have ever dreamed when it was invented that it would lead to the WWW and from what I have heard about the future probably we are only on the tip of the ice burg. Email sure beats the pony express. HOME

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