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Cub Scout Pack 160
Boy Scouts of America


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National Council of the Boy Scouts of America:

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Mid Iowa Council of Scouts: Pack 160 is part of the Broken Arrow district of the Mid-Iowa council of Scouts. This is the web site that has information about some council activities such as summer camps. It also has information about the Scout Shop .where we can get uniforms, activity kits, etc.

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Scouting: This is the Cub Scout information section of the national Boy Scouts of America web site. It covers many basics about the Cub Scout program.

fleur de lis Scoutstuff: This identifies where the Cub Scout patches need to be placed on the uniform. fleur de lis
World Crest Animated knots for Scouts and Guides is authored by 42nd Brighton (Saltdean) Scout Group, UK. This is a well done site and a great place to learn how to tie at least a dozen knots!

Scouting Spider logo Scouting Spider is a site where you can browse the Worldwide Scouting Database and find other scouting units on the web!

Guard by Lance Foster American Indian and Native Studies Web Resources by University of Iowa, provides several links for Iowa and regional information. 

Native American Poetry & Stories

Check out these two pages maintained by Lisa Mitten:

Broken Arrow web page about the Millenium III Camporee

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If you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Pack 160 Webmaster.
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