The Bible states in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."
Lost - you say?
Yes, we all are lost. We are as lost sheep trying to find the shepherd. Do you notice in our society today
that there are so many people SEEKING something. They are searching for the meaning of life and
for the place others have gone on to. Little do they know that the answer is in the nightstand of every
hotel room across the country, the Bible.
The Bible says in Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;"
That's right! Everyone (all) are sinners (done SOMETHING wrong) and now for the punishment of
that sin deserve Hell, but instead we are given the oppurtunity to live for eternity in Heaven with God.
You see, Jesus is God's one and only son and because He is the Son of God he is able to do anything!
Anything was done, he offered to take all our sin upon himself and die in our place. WOW, what
love!As a Sunday School teacher for ages 7-10, I can honestly tell you that the most important thing you will
ever do in your life is meet Jesus.
Yet, in our day and age there are so many of us that know nothing of this Wonderful Savior who knows
everything about us. That is SO sad...
A little boy named Jeffrey was outside one day playing ball. He was throwing the ball up and
then hitting it with his baseball bat when he accidently hit it into Mr. Summers yard and knocked a hole
in his window. Now Mr. Summers came out of his house firing MAD, he was yelling and screaming,
"WHO BROKE MY WINDOW???!!!" Jeffrey's father heard the crash and came out at the same time.
Jeffrey was really scared, but he mustered up enough courage to force out a low, squeaky, "I did."
"WHAT?! Do you know how much windows cost? Do you have any money? Who's gonna buy
me another window? I don't think you can!"
Just then Jeffrey's father spoke up, "I will pay for your window."
Do you think Jeffrey's father would have offered to pay for the window if Jeffrey acted like he didn't care?
You can not be saved if you believe you have never done wrong.
Do you think Jeffrey's father would have offered to pay for the window if he didn't know it was broken?
You can not be saved if you never tell God your sins. (Remember confession to God, not man)
You see, Jeffrey had sinned by breaking the window, but he confessed his sin (by telling Mr. Summers what he did). There was a punishment for that sin (in his case it was having to buy another window). There is a punishment for our sin too. It's DEATH.
Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Instead of making his son pay for his sin, Jeffrey's father offered to pay for it. Jesus did the same thing for us, he told His Father that He would pay for OUR sin and He did just that.
He came down from His glorious home in Heaven to be born in a manger, perform wonderful miracles and then die a horrible death on a cruel cross. And He did it all for US!! Again I say, what love!!!
Now, the choice is yours. I have already given you the plan of salvation. Now just like a present, in order for you to receive it, you must first reach out and take it. Have you accepted God's gift to you? If not, why not do so today? It is very simple. All you have to do is A, B and C.