This page's is dedicated to a study of one surname. A non common surname
call Kramarsic. I, a promoter of this study and a mainteiner of this page's,
start this study a 20 September 1996. In a first moment it was like a joke.
At we all know on Internet we can found many different searcher to found
anything. One day I put a very simple question to Altavista searcher: my
surname. I asked then myself if somewhere in the world exist some other
person who have my each surname. I was very surprise to found four person
James, Thomas, Ryan and Paul. This was the first Kramarsic out of Croatia
that I was found. Then I start seriously to make this study, in big part
like today using this new media, Internet. When the day past I was found
on Internet telephone directories of many country expecially US. Only
in US then a list of my Kramarsic grow up at 23. Few day after on a telephone
directories of Slovenia I was found other 16 Kramarsic. After this first
step in my research I make many progress and now I am in contact with some
other Kramarsic. It's very nice to know and to learn more about my surname.
In a first day of January 1997 I start this page dedicated to my/us surname.
On this Kramarsic family home if you are or not a Kramarsic you can found
different data about us, where we live and other. Also this page will can be
a start point if someone want to start a research like my. Looking a Searching
on Net when you can found what I was look, with a direct answer what I recive,
if that is possible. Copy this address and start now your research.
Igor Kramarsic
January 1997