Becoming Descendants of Balaam:

Jimmy Sanders

Becoming Descendants of Balaam

While reading through the Book of Numbers, I found an interesting soul. There was a man named Balaam that was privileged to hear the voice of Almighty God.Balaam was such a vessel that when he said it would come to pass, it came to pass. The People of Israel were in route to inherit a land that flowed with milk and honey. Moab happened to be part of that inherance, that God had promised Abraham.

The King of Moab,one named Balak had no desire to give up his land to Israel. Balak puts into motion a plan to hire Balaam to curse the people of Israel. Balaam goes to God inquiring about cursing the Children of Israel, the answer was a No. Balak was very persistent in getting Balaam to come to him and hear his offer to curse the Children of Israel. Balaam kept inquiring of God to let him go to Balak, but God said, only speak the words, I give you.

I believe if a man of God makes up his mind he's going,God will allow him to go. God in his anger towards Balaam sends an Angel with a sword to disconnect Balaam's head from his shoulders. Balaam's Donkey sees the Angel and saves the foolish prophet's life only to be beaten three times. God gives the Donkey voice to ask of Balaam, Why are you beating me? God opens Balaam's eyes to see the Angel with the sword. Balaam falls on his face to repent, yet he gets up to go to King Balak.

Balaam upon his arrival to the borders of Arnon in the place of Baal worship has Balak to set up seven altars, Balaam offers seven sacrifices unto God. Balaam steps aside from Balak to speak to God, the answer was the same No. Balak must have felt it was in the location, after relocating to the fields of Zophim, builds seven more altars and Balaam offers more sacrifices. Balaam again steps to the side from Balak to speak again to God, the answer was the same No.

Balak tries another location on top of Peor, there builds seven more altars, Balaam offers more sacrifices, this time God has Balaam fall into a trace, Balaam words to Balak were that God was going to bless the Children of Israel. Balak becomes very upset at Balaam, yet God would not allow Balaam to curse his people. Balaam's willingness to go to all these places shows, he was willing to curse the people of Israel.

The talk of money and honor had swayed Balaam. Balak excuses Balaam, before leaving Balak, Balaam counsels him about secuding the men of Israel with Moabite women. Revelations 2:14, the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the Children of Israel by eating things that were sacrificed unto idols and to commit fornication.

Jude said, that they (preachers) ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward. Have we become the descendent's of Balaam? Most of today's televangelist have to beg almost all their air time on TV for people to support them. If Balaam would have trusted God, he would not went with Balak. If God calls men to preach his Word on TV, would God not provide for them without them having to beg for support.

Balaam's descendents come in many forms teaching Holiness doctrines to teaching free love with no holds barred. It is possible to get involved in a Church group that believes there is nothing wrong regardless of what you might do. Balaam's life ends with the people that he had prophesied their land would be inhabited by the Children of Israel. Joshua calls Balaam a sooth-sayer when he records his death. Balaam reaped for what he had sowed, so will all the descendents of Balaam! God is not mocked!

The Problem with most people who claim to be Christian today is simple, Their Walk don't match their Talk. The Church of God during my youth, I consider it to be the Old Ship of Zion, a Mighty Battle Ship, that stood the tide of Worldiness. Today's modern Church of God is like a luxury cruise ship, where the world has been invited along for the ride. Anybody can join the Church of God, now without giving up anything. I would have never imaged the Church of God would have become so backslidden.

Don't Quit:

When thing go wrong as they most of the time will; When the road you're traveling seems all uphill. When your funds are so low and your debts are so high; And you want to smile, but have only a sigh. When life's cares is pressing you down a bit; Rest in Christ Jesus if you must. but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out; The silver tint of the cloud of doubt, And you can never tell how really close you are; It may seem ever so near when it truth it is so far. So stick to the fight Christians when we're hardest hit; It's when things go wrong that's when you mustn't quit.

1 Samuel 30:6, And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters;but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.