From the perspective of Churches, they seem to be waiting for someone to bring a revival; maybe a Noah, a Daniel or even a Job. Noah spent over a hundred and twenty years preparing an ark and warning the people of a coming flood. Only his family was permitted to enter the Ark and be spared from the flood. Daniel was the pivot man of Israel during the captivity in Babylon. Daniel always seemed to be the man when no one else had the answers. Daniel interpreted dreams that were known and dreams that were unknown to the King of Babylon. He prayed when it was against the law to pray and this got him thrown in a den of lions. Daniel prayed and the angel shut the mouth of the hungry lions. Job was a man who God testified as a perfect man. Because of his life God, put a hedge about him.
These were truly righteous men who had an influence on their generations. America as a nation has had many God sent messengers to warn this nation of his coming judgement.I am convinced that even if Noah, Daniel or Job lived today, they would have little or no effect on this godless society.During their conversation from Hell, Father Abraham told the the rich man that his brothers have Moses and the Prophets. Abraham went on to say, if your brothers won't hear the voice of one sent from God, they would not hear from one that has returned from the grave.
The people of Noah's, Daniel's and Job's day approached these men of God saying, "speak smooth things unto us. Tell us of the love of God only, not of a God of wrath, or of judgement or of a place of eternal punishment. Noah's warnings was of a flood that came and destroyed all. Job's message was of a just God, even after being tempted by Satan, Job still trusted God.These men were unique, yet Ezekiel said they would not be able to save anyone but themselves( no coat-tail salvation for family members). The time has come that people will have to know God for themselves. We cannot depend on the TV Preacher, psychic friend or local root doctors. Our walks, like Noah, Daniel, and Job will have to be with God.
Who does your thinking? To me this is a trouble some question. Has the time come that most people refuse to think for themselves? Is there any wonder that people are coming under many forms of mind control? Looking back in history, I noticed how many dictators like Stalin and Hitler, and how many religious people like Jim Jones, David Koresh, William Branham and others controlled people's minds. Many like sheep have gone astray.
Without any doubt people need a shepherd, the scripture tells us that the Lord is our shepherd. (Psalms 23:1) God has a means of perfecting the saints, through pastors, teachers, evangelist, apostles and prophets.These people God called to these offices were not called to do our thinking for us. Yet the christians of most churches I've attended allow the pastor to do their thinking for them. In that any kind of matter without praying and seeking the mind of God, they seek the pastor counsel.To go a step further, many men expect their wives to do their thinking for them away from the Church. On the other hand, I've found many women, the exception not the rule that expect their husbands to think for them. If all else fails, there is a 1-900- call a psychic hot line to call. Who does your thinking for you?
As individuals, we will be called on to give an account of ourselves. What kind of an account could one give if someone else does all their thinking? There are those who choose not to attend Church and opt for some television evangelist.Most of them from Billy Pastor Bob have a large following, I believe many of their followers are being deceived.They think that if they send an offering they will prosper or be saved without living right.Every gimmick under the Sun is being used to part believers from their money.Too many preachers have fallen prey to the god of money.
Almighty God has been reduced to some success formula, such as naming your needs and claiming them in vowing a vow, sending a seed offering to some ministry. Ministers so anxious to do your thinking are also willing to have you believe that the Bible means exactly what they say it means. ( 2 Chronicles 20:20 ) Books are being written that promise 30, 60 or even 100 fold returns on what you give to the Lord. Stop! Look, and for your sake listen! Why don't we read the Word of God for ourselves? Jesus warned, "Let no man deceive you by any means".
If there were one word, that I would live; Heavenly Father that word is forgive. For all the sins, that I have done; Father please forgive them everyone.
In our Lord's prayer, to forgive was stressed; For without forgiveness, we can't be blessed. If you forgave others as Jesus forgave you; The meaning of this my prayer would all come true.
What a wasted life you've lived; If you're unable to forgive. I know one day God's face I'll see; My Prayer, My hope is He'll forgive me.