Whatever happened to Preachers being lead of the Spirit of God? For the most part the Puppet Minister fears being moved or placed in a Church, that will not grow by the State Overseer. Who by the way moves Preachers as he sees fit. Not only do the Puppet Preacher have to deal with their superiors, they have the influential people within the Church to Puppet too. I've often wondered is this the reason, why the Apostle Paul made tents? Church members have the idea that, if they pay the Preacher's salary, he should preach basically what they want to hear.
The song goes, Pull string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet. I'll do anything that you want me to, I'm your puppet. I just wonder has the mighty call of God to be honest with people been reduced to just a Puppet Ministry. This is a personal view of most of Today's major Pentecostals Churches through out the United States.Having fellowshipped with Churches from Cleveland Tennessee, Springfield, Missouri and St. Louis Missouri. I'm of the opinion that these subscribe to the Puppet Ministries.
Job 16:4, I also could speak as ye do; if your soul were in my soul's stead, I could heap up word's against you, and shake mine head at you.
These are the words of Job saying to his friends after, they had accused him of commiting some aweful sins. I don't think anybody likes being told they are wrong, when they feel like they haven't done anything wrong. God asked Satan had he considered Job, a perfect man that hates evil. I have found as Job's friends that its easy to give advise when, I'm not the one being tried or tested. It's only when I am the one that's under fire that I tend to see from someone else's perspective.It's so easy to say what I would do if this or that were to happen until it happens.
I wonder how many people have been run off from Church by some well meaning Pastor only because, his Soul has never been in their Soul's stead. Most of my life has been involved with preachers being a preacher's kid and a minister myself. I can't begin to tell you how many times, I've heard this or that preached against until it comes home to them.These same preachers won't send their loved one's to hell, they begin to preach the love of God.Who among us is so righteous as to believe, we can't sin? I look back to John the Baptist, behold the Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world.
This John the Baptist of whom Jesus said, there was no greater borne of woman, yet in prison John sent inquiring of Jesus are you the Messiah or should we look for another? How would you respond from behind prisom bars? Peter's three denials after he said to Jesus, thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. How would you respond in the enemie's camp warming yourself by the enemie's fire? Consider David after Nathan the Prophet asking for judgment for one man taking another man's wife and having that man killed, only to find out that he was the man. David was a man after God's own heart. I know people that blame Adam and Eve for their Soul's condition saying, If I were in the garden of Eden, I would have never pretook of the forbidden fruit. These same folks would have offered it to the serpent. Maybe Jesus knew what he was talking about when he said, Judge Ye Not.
Luke 4:1, Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost was led by the Spirit into the wilderness tempted of the devil for forty days.
Luke 4:14,Jesus returns from the wilderness in the power of the Spirit, 40 days later still full of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:4, And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and begin to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Mark 5:41, Raising the young girl from the dead:
Tal Tha Cu Mi, [interpreted] Damsel, I say unto thee arise.
Mark 7:34, Restoring the Dumb Man:
Eph Pha Tha, [interpreted] Be Opened.
Matthew 27:46, From the Cross at Calvary:
Eli Eli Lama Sa Bach Tha Ni, [interpreted] My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?
John 20:22, Jesus breathed on them and saith unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost.