Charismaniacs:Pentecost out of Focus

Jimmy Sanders

Charismaniacs: Pentecost Out Of Focus.

The time has come when the line has truly been crossed between Classical Pentecostals and the Charistmatic Pentecostals. Being raised in the Pentecostal Church, ( Church of God ) I've seen God move by his Holy Spirit.I've seen the real power of God manifested and his people would dance in the Spirit, as King David did in the returning of the Ark of the Covenant. I've seen God move upon his people many would run the aisles worshipping and praising God.I've seen God's presences fill believers until tears begin to flow and the Churches altars would fill with people getting closer to God.

Those that received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, spoke in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance. (Acts 2:4)Today in the Charismatic circles some are told to repeat after someone else speaking and they are told they got it.Say con-dye, Say con-dye, that's it you got it. Is that the Spirit giving the utterance? There is a false anointing that has taken over a lot of Charismatic Churches.What is considered being filled with the Holy Spirit is not what the King James Bible teaches. (Uncontrol -able laughing, jerking and shaking, barking like a dog or roaring like a lion.) The Charismaniacs teach many things that are not in the Scriptures?

Out of these Charismaniacs teachings, we become "little jesuses" and receive hundred fold returns on our giving. We begin to dictate to God, What we would have him do in our behalves through the name it and claim it doctrine. ( Better known as the seed-faith giving.) New Revelations is springing forth with "thus saith the Lord" having no resemblances of what is taught in scriptures. The Charismaniacs have gone so far as to teach that Jesus the sinless, "Son of God" had to be born-again.For a defence against anyone question their false teachings," they use touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm."

If my understanding is correct, What the Charismaniacs are saying is just as powerful as what the Bible says.Charismaniacs are big on promises of signs and wonders, thus the masses following to see the signs and wonders.The Bible teaches signs and wonders would follow them that believe, not believers chasing after signs and wonders.Thus the charismatic Revivals in Pensacola and Toronto with all the strange happenings. People stand in lines for as much as 6 to 10 hours to get in services, to get blown down or have a coat waved over them to be slain in the Spirit.There seems to be no end to what these Charismaniac Preachers will say or do to get and keep a following.

How could people have gone so far away from God's Word? It's not that they don't know any better, for the truth is they do. Most of these people have spent most of their lives in ministries, most are highly educated. The truth is in returning to preaching the Bible as they know it is written will cost them their crowd. Many of these spiritual junkies will look else where to get their jolts and spiritual fixes. It's past time to awake out of your sleep, get back to what the King James Bible says. God is the Lord that changes not, there are no new revelations that are contrary to God's Word.

The Difference:

I got up early one morning and rushed right unto the day;

I had so much I had to accomplish, that I did not take the time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier became each task;

Why doesn't God help me? I wondered, He answered, "You did not ask."

I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled on gray and bleak;

I wondered, Why God did not show me. He said, "But you did not seek."

I tried to come into God's presences; I used all my keys at the lock;

God gently and lovingly chided, "My Child, you did not knock."

I woke early this morning; and paused before entering into my day;

I had a lot to accomplish,This time ; I took the time to Pray.

Author Unknown: Revisions by Jimmy Sanders: