Carole's World
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The Past is History

The Future is a Mystery

The Present is a Gift

That is why it's called the Present.

    Please Come In and Meet Some of my Family

    From the Past to the Present

Elijah(Elihu,Eli)Chilcott - Born 8 Apr 1757 in Maryland

Eber Chilcott - Born 7 Dec 1789 in Hardy Co., Va.

Jonathan Chilcott - Born 21 Nov 1842 in Hardy Co., Va.

Pleasant Green Chilcott - Born 3 Aug 1856 in Shenandoah Co., Va.

William Aaron Chilcott - Born 10 July 1878 in Woodstock, Va.

Richard Day - Married Sarah Helsel cir. 1830

John Day - Born Sept.1851 lived in Edinburg,Va.& in Pa.

Mabel Straehle Smith. About 1918.

Born in Philadelphia, Pa. on 5 March 1879

    Some other Surnames I am interested in are:

Claypoole, Hottel, Lindamood, Montrone, Murphy,

O'Shaunesey, SMITH, Straehle (Strailey) (Streahle), Wolverton

    Or perhaps you have come across some of these names:

Thomas Hare - Born June 1838 in Ireland James Hare - Born 2 May 1867 in Pa. ? Mary McCabe - Born about 1842 in Ireland Margaret Smith - Born about 1838

How about these:

Carr, Moffit, Tomlin

To Visit My Family Tree Maker Web Page Click Here. I have included a brief list of some of the surnames in My Family Tree.

I will be updating again soon. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE if you don't connect with any of the above names now, and check back later. The latest update on this page was 10/6/05.

If you are researching any of the above names, you can reach me at:


If your site includes genealogy and you would like to be added to my list of links,

CLICK HERE to E-Mail your information to me.

If you are unable to reach any of the above Sites or find any other errors, I would appreciate it if you let me know so that I can update the information.
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