This page is Bobby Approved
" Thank You "
Just Can't Express
What Is In My Heart for You
When have I ever told you how much
I appreciate you?
Sometimes when we've grown up,
we begin to realize how much we
neglect sharing our thoughts.
You never have given up on me;
you still support me
even if you don't approve.
You always stand by me.
And I want you to know that
these things mean everything to me.
You are what keeps me going,
and without your being here for me,
I don't know what I'd do today.
I don't know how I'd do without you.
just isn't enough.
Please always know how special you are,
and how much I love and appreciate you.
~author unknown
This page is dedicated to this wonderful lady, Wanda
Mother, Grandmother and GreatGrandmother
But especially for being
"My Mom"
Your daughter, Shirley
Heartland Honors
Intro Page
Country Elevator
Praying Hands
Graphics and PSP
Model Railroads
Porcelain Dolls
N.A. Prayer
Special Friends
Online Friends
My Mom
Chronic Pain
©2003, updated April 23, 2009