Chronic Pain

This page is Bobby Approved

Bobby Approved

"Chronic Pain"

Guardian Angel of All Who Suffer Chronic Pain

Does "chronic pain" rule your life?

Is your pain a syndrome or a symptom of a diagnosed disease? If you have a diagnosed disease you know the problem, even though that does not mean that you will be cured or find the much needed relief. What about the millions of people that do not have an answer and may never get an answer? Even with the sophisticated medical testing in today's world, many people still do not know why they are suffering from something that cannot be medically explained. These are the persons that are asking themselves the what ifs and the why me? They not only try to cope with the daily pain but have the added anguish of trying to find an answer.

Most of us have learned to get past the extreme fear and know that we must live one day at a time. Maybe the day won't be so great but we can always look forward to a better tomorrow. Many times that doesn't happen but we can always have hope.

We all know the facts and statistics about chronic pain. I won't be redundant here and tell you again what you already know. We have all been thru personal suffering and heartbreak because of our chronic pain. Understanding and support are what we need the most.

I make no claims to be a medical expert of any kind. I am a chronic pain sufferer. We need support that we cannot get from others that do not understand the agony of the unbearable pain. How do you feel when you cannot put one foot in front of the other to take a step or you are unable to climb out of bed in the morning or you are unable to stand for even 15 minutes? How do you feel when someone tells you how great you look and in the same statement, asks how you can possibly be so sick? What hurts the most, your body or your heartache?

Vanessa's Heart Award For Being a Survivor

I have been a chronic pain sufferer for 8 years. I have gone to a well know medical center 3 times and received no diagnosis. In the last six month medical tests have revealed some new facts, a positive anti nuclear antibody test which is non-specific. I will never be cured. I have had several kinds of treatments, biofeedback, water therapy, physical therapy, attended a support group and tried at least a dozen different kind of meds(that didn't help). I am coping. I will continue to cope, yet there are those days that I must give in to the pain. I have learned that I must think in terms of "one day at a time." I'm sure you all understand.

Ond Day at a Time, text, thin page divider

I would be more than happy to visit with anyone that feels they need support or may have some further advise to share. Just mail and I will surely reply.

One Day at a Time, text, thin divider bar

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