In Loving Memory

Apollo, we miss you

October 1998 to August 30, 2000

Apollo's Page

Apollo's Homepage

August 2000 was a really difficult month at the animal house. At the beginning of the month, Tiffany died unexpectedly. That was a real tragedy. A few weeks later we got another dog. An adult female who was oversized and unable to compete in the showring. Same story as how we got Tiffany. She's a sweet dog. Unfortunately, she was trying to play with Apollo when she stepped on him and crushed him. She didn't mean any harm. Now Apollo waits for us at the rainbow bridge with Tiffany. 

A word from Apollo: 

"Hi, I'm Apollo. I'm a Pacific Parottlet. Parrotlets are great pets for people who want a bird with a great personality without having a large parrot body. These birds have all the personality of large parrots, but don't scream or eat the kitchen table. Parrotlets are cute, intelligent and playful. They can even learn to talk.

Pacific parrotlets are probably the most popular parrotlet species. They are approximately five inches in length and weigh about 30 grams. Their wild habitat extends from western Equador to northwestern Peru.

I was a Christmas present from mom in 1998. I like to stay on mom's shoulder most of the time, but I'm learning to come out and play. Dad's okay too, and when mom's not around I'll stay on his shoulder.

Kiwi's the other bird that lives here, and boy is she big! I try to keep away from her so she doesn't get mad a me. Once I ran up under mom's hair and Ki tried to bite my tail feathers. Yikes! Good thing mom got her away from me fast."

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This page last updated October 14, 1997
Maintained by
Dawn M Dickenson



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