Hi, I'm Perseus. I'm a male red-sided eclectus. I was hatched on January 16, 2000. One week before the human baby boy came to live at the animal house!
I'm a relatively quiet bird, but I like to let out some loud 'squaaaaaaks' first thing in the morning and again around dusk. I'm just starting to learn how to talk. I like to mutter stuff under my breath. Dad calls me 'Boomhauer' because I mumble so much. I don't know what he's talking about.
I have a really big cage to play in during the day. I've also got a couple of really nice play perches. I rule the perches! That other bird Kiwi things she is queen of the flock. But I've shown her. After all, I'm much bigger!
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This page last updated October
14, 1997
Maintained by Dawn M Dickenson