Crosby and Tiffany's Winter Weekend

Crosby and Tiffany spent the President's Day weekend with their friend Misty at the Mormon Lake cabin. We got about a foot of snow that weekend, and there was already snow on the ground! Lots of people are surprised to hear we can get that much snow in Arizona. Take a look at these pictures and you won't have any doubts....



Crosby and Tiffany got to have a long weekend adventure during the holiday weekend in February. Their best friend Misty was there, too. The pictures in the top row show Cros and Tif in their classic winter poses. The middle row shows them having fun with their friend Misty. The picture in the bottom right corner shows how deep the snow was. The snow is higher than Tiffy's tummy! Imagine how many ice balls mom and dad had to remove that weekend! Tiffy gives kissed to her friend Gina in the picture of the bottom left.


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Last Modified: February 27, 1998
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Dawn M Dickenson

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