Little Red Was Really Rude

by Mary Jenkins

There was a tear in the young wolf's eye as he stood behind the tall oak tree at the edge of the forest. "Why are they so mean to me?", he ask himself. There were no wolves his age to play with and he wanted so badly to play with the laughing children. He was a gentle, polite wolf and had many deas for new games, but when he tried to play, the children were always very rude. The first time he had ask Little Red Riding Hood if he could play, she put her hands on her hips and sternly told him, "We don't want you to play with us. You are a dirty, mean old wolf, so GO AWAY!". He could hear the children laughing at him as he tucked his tail between his legs and slowly walked back into the dark woods. When he came to watch the children one day, Little Red was nowhere in sight. He cautiously, but bravely, came out of the woods and ask one of the children if he could play. Quickly, he told them of a game and they were all excited about playing it. The wolf was happier than he had could remember ever being. He had new friends that accepted him as he was, and was going to play and laugh just as he had always wanted to do. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him, and he knew instantly that it was Little Red who was walking up to him. His heart was broken as she shouted the cruel words, "I've told you before, you can't play with us so, "GO HOME!". The broken hearted wolf waited to see if any of the others would tell her to let him stay, but no one uttered a work. His feelings were so hurt, that before he realized it, he blurted out, "One of these days, Little Red, you are going to be sorry you have treated me so hatefully". He turned and ran behind the closest tree so no one could see him crying. The wolf never forgot how Little Red had treated him that day, even though he was fully grown now. Instead of going to his favorite tree to watch the children play, he watched a very pretty grown-up Little Red pick apples from the beautiful trees in the orchard across from the woods. Each time he saw her putting apples in her wicker basket, he thought about getting even with her. He wanted her to experience the sad feeling of loneliness just as he had so many years before. He had gone to Little Red's grandmothers many times in the past years, and the air around it always smelled of fresh baked apple pies. Grandmother was a small, frail looking woman with a golden heart, nothing like her rude granddaughter. He had soon realized just how great a person she really was. She had seen him at the edge of the forest, and left big pieces of pie and a tall glass of milk for him many times. After a time, he learned to love and trust the old woman and they became very close friends. On day he told Grandmother how Little Red had treated him when he was younger and how much he wanted to get even with her. Grandmother knew how rude and bullish Little Red could be and had talked to her about her behavior many times, but the child never changed. Grandmother didn't approve of the wolf's idea of getting even, but did think teaching her a lesson might not hurt her. As they sat at the little table in the middle of her one room house, they decided on a plan. On Little Red's next trip to Grandmothers, the wolf quickly stepped from behind a tree onto the path in front of Little Red. "May I carry the heavy basket for you Little Red?", he ask. "Why would I want YOU to carry it? You are a mean, nasty old wolf and would probably eat all the apples," she said in a rough voice. "I'm just trying to be friendly," he replied, but once again he heard her say "GO AWAY!! I'm on my way to my grandmothers and you are in my way. You are always where you aren't wanted". She pushed him off the dirt path and continued on her way. The wolf smiled a secret smile as he watched her and thought of the surprise waiting for her at the end of her journey. Hurriedly, he dashed through the trees to the one place he knew he was loved, and accepted as Grandmothers house. As Little Red came closer to the house, she heard laughter coming from within. She peered in the window and to her surprise, saw the wolf sitting at the table. As she glanced around the room she noticed her grandmother standing on her head in a corner. They were both laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes. Little Red heard the wolf tell her grandmother through his laughter, "I knew you could do it, all it takes is a little practice." Little Red had no idea of the many things her grandmother and the wolf had taught each other by just being good friends. The laughter stopped as Little Red burst through the door saying, "How dare you have that terrible wolf in the house, Grandmother1" Grandmother quickly came to her feet, turned to the stove and cut two big pieces of the pie. As Little Re watched, her grandmother placed a piece of the hot apple pie in front of the wolf and sat at the table across from him. Just as he said "thank you", she ask if he would like a glass of ice cold milk to go with it. "Yes, please, Grandmother", he politely replied, as he cut into his pie. As they ate their pie, the two talked and laughted, as if they were the only ones in the room. Little Red knew she was being ignored and didn't like the feeling of being left out, especially in her own grandmothers home. When she ask her grandmother why she was being treated in such a manner her grandmother sternly said, "It was very rude of you to come into my house in the manner you did. As you can see, I have company, the wolf is very polite and I enjoy sharing my home with him. Now if you will just go away, we can enjoy our desert". Little Red couldn't believe her ears. Grandmother preferred the company of a wolf to hers. "Grandmother make him go away," the girl said nervously, but her grandmother continued to eat and smiled at the wolf. "LEAVE THIS HOUSE", a bossy Little Red screamed at the wolf. Looking into Little Red's eyes, Grandmother ask Little Red if she felt hurt and left out because of the way she and the wolf had been treating her within the past few minutes. Little Red assured her that she was very hurt by their actions. Only then, did Little Red realize how she had been acting all those years, and how badly she must have hurt others, including the wolf. Then she not only amazed her grandmother, but the wolf also, when she walked over and held her hand out to the wolf in friendship. Inviting Little Red to sit down and join them, Grandmother told her granddaughter of the plan she and the wolf had, and how pleased they were that it had turned out so well. "I'll never be rude to anyone again", Little Red promised. Little Red was never told what the wolf's idea of getting even was, and if her grandmother hadn't been such a wonderful and understanding person, he would have gone through with it. There were numerous lonely nights the wolf had dreamed of going to Little Red's grandmothers and eating the little woman up. He visualized putting on her night cap and gown, then jumping into her bed and waiting patiently for Little Red to bring the huge basket of apples. He would call out "Come in, my dear", as she knocked on the wooden door, then gobble her up as she came close to the bed. As he remembered his dream, a smile slowly crossed his face. He realized now, how much better it was to sit and enjoy the company of friends...... than to have them as dinner. The End

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