an_mpa_site.gif (7694 bytes)

Senior Class Trips - 1982
Six Flags, Omni Ice Skating, ???

6flags.jpg (16459 bytes)
Six Flags - Just Finished Raining
6flags2.jpg (39624 bytes)
Non-Graduating classmate
Brett_omni_skate.jpg (18540 bytes)
Brett Hadley Skating at the Omni
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Camp Beauties - ? and Jackie
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Brett Hadley Strumming

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Class 1982
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Debbie and Brett
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Debbie and Patti
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Mike standing... Jackie, Darla, Philip and Lloyd
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Mike Handstand
on a Dogpile
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Annette, Cindy, and Melahn
dormfun1.jpg (41530 bytes)
Annette on Top, Cindy,
and Melahn
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Mike, Kim, Unknown Eater
eating_ldpk.jpg (31704 bytes)
Pisgah Pizza Hut
Lisa and Penny in the Background
Darla and Kim in Front
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Gary Rouse
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Gene Evans
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Gene and Mr. J (Johnson)
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Mrs. J and Lloyd
jj.jpg (20103 bytes)
Little J
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Jackie Dancing?
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Jackie and Lydia
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John trying to catch
the "Big One"
johncolleen.jpg (11842 bytes)
John and Colleen off
of Lake Junaleska?
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Jorey and Tommy
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Another Senior who
didn't graduate
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lisa.jpg (21273 bytes)
Something in the
Soda (Lisa)
lisa1.jpg (13475 bytes)
Seems to be missing
in the milk.
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Lloyd and Lisa
lloyd.jpg (23375 bytes)
Lloyd and another
misunderstood Senior
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Lloyd and Quentin
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Mike Collum - Deep Thoughts
mikelloyd.jpg (35946 bytes)
Mike Waller and Lloyd
Harder - Bumper Cars?
mrj.jpg (59310 bytes)
Mr J
Future Baggage Handler
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Omni in Atlanta
Half of Tonda, Jackie, Richard Natzke, Mike Waller Profile,
Debbi?, Cythia?, Levi
pam.jpg (30126 bytes)
Pam and
Philip K? or Mike?
patti.jpg (21701 bytes)
Patti Evans
Road Trip
penny.jpg (26906 bytes)
phillip.jpg (53642 bytes)
Philip Kantzer
Pk.jpg (13162 bytes)
PK for
SA President
qcg.jpg (29025 bytes)
Quentin, Chris
and Gene
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Couple of  Senior
Six Flag Dropouts
tommypenny.jpg (50006 bytes)
Tommy and Penny
tonda.jpg (49055 bytes)


Thanks to Lydia White Huggins and Delain Huggins for many of these pictures.


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