Note :

Below is not an exhaustive list of addresses of The True Jesus Churches around the world. This list is dated in 1991 and some of the addresses may not be valid anymore. Updated list will be available soon because our Church is growing. If you are interested in attending our services but cannot find any of the addresses here which is in your state or country, please email me along with your return email address and I will be willing to assist you in the matter.

Updated Malaysia's Churches' Addresses as at July 1997


West Africa

Evangelism Coordination Council-Nigeria

c/o Brother Andy Chukwu, P.O. Box 5733, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA, W. AFRICA

Ghana Church

c/o Brother Felix K. Ababio, P.O. Box 249, Achimoto, Accra, GHANA, W. AFRICA

Ivory Coast Church

c/o Brother S.L.Hwang, 01 B.P. 3731, Abidjan 0 1, Republic De Cote - Divoire 301-301

Liberia Church

c/o Brother Alu Blamo Tukpah, P.O. Box 110, Lower Harlandsville, Buchanan, Grand Bassa Country, LIBERIA, W. AFRICA



Buenos Aires House of Prayer

Loyola 300 Bs As Cap Fed, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA


Australia & New Zealand

Coordination Committee - Australia & New Zealand

84 Watts Street, Box Hill North 3129, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

Australia Coordination Board

1818, Mt. Gravatt-Capalaba Rd., Capalaba West, QLD 4157, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA

New Zealand Coordination Committee

16, Morvern Road, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland Church

31, Disraeli St. Mt. Eden, 1003 Auckland, New Zealand

Brisbane House of Prayer

95 Masthead Drive, Raby Bay, Cleveland, QLD 4163, Brisbane, Australia

Perth House of Prayer

9, Carrington Court, Leeming 6155, Perth, WESTERN AUSTRALIA

Sydney Church

465, Victoria Road, Rydalmere, Centre Point of Sydney Metropolitan, AUSTRALIA

Victoria Church

84 Watts Street, Box Hill North 3129, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA



Canada Coordination Council

4580 Gothard Street, Vancouver, B.C., V5R 3K7, CANADA

America Evangelical Center

69 Sunrise Avenue, North York, Ontario, M4A 1A9, CANADA

Edmonton House of Prayer

9103-176 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5Z 2M1, CANADA

Toronto Church

369 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6G 1H8, CANADA

Vancouver Church

3488 Dalebright Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 3E9, CANADA



European Evangelical Coord. Office


c/o Yuh-Ming Yang, 27B, rue Andr'e Derain, 78400 Chatou, FRANCE

Paris House of Prayer


c/o Yuh-Ming Yang, 27B, rue Andr'e Derain, 78400 Chatou, FRANCE



Europe Evangelical Committee

Postfach 106147, 69051 Heidelberg, GERMANY


Hong Kong

Hong Kong Church

1/F & 2/F, 2-6 Fortress Hill Road, North Point, HONG KONG

Kowloon & New Territory Church

168, Prince's Road, 1/F, Kowloon, HONG KONG


South India

Coordination Board - India

5, Prabudos Street, Pasumpon Nagar, Pammal, Madras 600 075, S. INDIA

Ambathur Centre

Shanthi Valluvar Nagar, Oragadam, Ambathur, Madras 53, S. INDIA

Kerala Centre

Kerala Zone, Vanniyacode - Jn, Parassala 695502, Kerala, S. INDIA



General Assembly - Indonesia

Jl. K. H, Samanhudi No.23, Jakarta Pusat, INDONESIA

Bandung Church

Jl. Pungkur 49B, Bandung, INDONESIA

Banjarmasin Church

Jl. Adeirma Suryani Nasution No.1, Banjarmasin, INDONESIA

Cianjur Church

Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto 64, Cianjur, INDONESIA

Pontianak Church

Jl. Kelantan 151, Pontianak, INDONESIA

Salatiga Church

Jl. Diponegoro No.11, Salatiga, INDONESIA

Solo Church

Jl. Belik 33, Solo, INDONESIA

Surabaya Church

Jl. Merbabu, Surabaya, INDONESIA

Tangerang Church

Jl. M.T. Haryo No.23, Tangerang, INDONESIA

Tasikmalaya Church

Jl. Empang Sari No.32, Tasikmalaya, INDONESIA



Habikinoshi Church

3-3-1 Minami Eganosyou, Habikinoshi, Osakafu, JAPAN

Maebashi Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Osaka Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Tokyo Church

#341-1, Kamiyasumatsu, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitamaken, JAPAN



General Assembly - Korea

349-3 Dae Bang Dong, Dong Jak Gu, Seoul, KOREA

Chung-Ju Church

1-13 Dae Sung-Dong, Chung-Ju City, Choong Chung Boo-Do, KOREA

Dae-Bang Church

349-3, Dae Bang Dong, Dong Jak-Gu, Seoul, KOREA

Dae-Gu Church

849-1, 3 Sin Cheon Dong, Dong-Gu, Dae Gu City, KOREA

Dae-Jun Church

211-26 Boo-Sa Dong Joong Gu, Dae-Jun City, KOREA

Dong-Boo Church

295-89, Jeon-Nong Dong, Dong Dae Moon-Gu, Seoul, KOREA

Jun-Ju Church

369-72 Su Su Hak-Dong, Jun Ju City, Jun Ra Book-Do, KOREA

Kim-Chun Church

387-9 Pyung Hwa 1-Dong, Kim Chun City, Kyung Sang Book-Do, KOREA

Nam-Wan Church

277-7 No Am Dong, Nam Wan City, Jun Ra Book-Do, KOREA

Nok-Bun Church

53-99 Nok Bun Dong, Eun Pyung Gu, Seoul KOREA

Pusan Church

95-3 Bok San-Dong, Dong Rae-Gu, Pusan, KOREA

Sam-Gye Church

279, Sam Gye Ri, Sam Gye-Myun, Im Sil-Goon, Jun Ra Book-Do, KOREA

Su-Chun Church

Gun Sa 1-Ri, Su Chun Mup, Su Chun Gun, Choong Chung Nam-Do, KOREA

Suh-Do Church

Suh Do-Ri, Sa Mae-Myun, Nam Won Goon, Jun Ra Book-Do, KOREA



General Assembly - Malaysia/Singapore

51, Jalan Jarak, Off Jalan Kapar, 41400 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Ipoh Church

4, Jalan Dato Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Sungai Siput Church

72 Ipoh Road, Simpang Tiga, 31100 Sungai Siput, Perak, Malaysia

Bercham Church

24, Persiaran Tasek Timur 5, Taman Medan Bercham, 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Chendrong Church

No. 4 & 5, Lorong Ketiga, Jalan Kinta Valley, Chendrong 31000, Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia

Kampong Koh Church

168 - A, New Village, Kampong Koh, 32000 Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia

Ayer Tawar Church

LOT 1293, Taman Bandar, 32400 Ayer Tawar, Perak, Malaysia

Johor Bahru Church

57-G, Jalan Serai, Off Stulang Laut, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Seremban Church

305, Taman Chip Aik, Batu 2 ¼, Jalan Tun Dr. Ismail, 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Bahau Church

63, Jalan ACBE, Taman ACBE, 72100 Bahau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Melaka Church

336, Jalan Asean 2, Taman Asean, 75250 Malacca, Malaysia

Petaling Jaya Church

61, Jalan Templer, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Gombak Church

12, Jalan Chan Chin Mooi, Off Jalan Titiwangsa, 53200 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia

Klang Church

51, Jalan Jarak, Off Jalan Kapar, 41400 Kelang, Selangor, Malaysia

Kajang Church

583, Sungai Chua, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

Federal Territory Church

126-1, Jalan 1/50A, Taman Desa Gombak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Cheras Church

34, Jalan Midah 3, Taman Midah, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Penang Church

619, Jalan Balik Pulau, Mukim 16, 11500 Air Itam, Penang, Malaysia

Sungai Petani Church

4329-A, Jalan Hospital, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia

Padang Serai Church

L.C. 30 Jalan Lunas, 09400 Padang Serai, Kedah, Malaysia

Kulim Church

c/o 130, Jalan Tunku Putra 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia

Malaysia - Sabah

General Assembly - Sabah

P.O. Box 10510, 88805 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Keningau Church

P.O. Box 197, 89008 Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia

Kota Kinabalu Church

P.O. Box 10510, 88805 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Kudat Church

P.O. Box 50, 89057 Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia

Labuan Church

P.O. Box 84, 87008 Labuan, Federal Territory, Malaysia

Papar Church

P.O. Box 63, 89607 Papar, Sabah, Malaysia

Sandakan Church

P.O. Box 668, 90007 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Tamparuli Church

P.O. Box 145, 89257 Tamparuli, Sabah, Malaysia

Tawau Church

P.O. Box 475, 91007 Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Tenom Church

P.O. Box 89, 89907 Tenom, Sabah, Malaysia

Tuaran Church

P.O. Box 6, 89207 Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia



Moscow Prayer House

Room 721, Building "Tamma", Hotel "Izmalovo", 71, Izmailovskoe Shosse, Moscow 105613, Russia



Philippines Church

P.O. Box 840, Mansilingan, Bacolod City, PHILIPPINES 6001



Adam Road Church

17D, Adam Road, Singapore 289890, SINGAPORE

Singapore Church

32, Lorong H, Telok Kurau, Singapore 426020, SINGAPORE



General Assembly - Taiwan

115, Park Road, Taichung, 40007 Taiwan, REPUBLIC OF CHINA

Chang-Hwa Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Cheng-Kung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Chia-Yi Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Chung-Li Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Feng-Yuan Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Hsin-Chu Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Hsin-Ying Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Hua-Lien Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Kao-Hsiung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Kee-Lung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Lo-Tung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Lu-Kang Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Pan-Chiao Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Pei-Kang Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Pei-Tou Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Ping-Tung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Pu-Li Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Ta-Tung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Tai-Chung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Tai-Nan Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Tai-Pei Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Tai-Tung Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)

Tao-Yuan Church

(email me for the address together with your postal address)



Thailand Church

c/o S.E.A.E.C., P.O.Box 10510, 88805 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


United Kingdom

General Assembly - United Kingdom

Wesley Street, Shieldfield, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1BH, England, U.K.

Cambridge Church

357 St. Neots Road, Dry Drayton, Cambridge CB3 8AY , England, U.K.

Edinburgh Church

15A East Fettes Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 1DL, Scotland, U.K.

Elgin Church

Lesmurdie Road, Bishopmill, Elgin IV30 2HP, Scotland, U.K.

Leicester Church

Humberstone Road, Parry Street, Leicester, England, U.K.

London Church

194, Pitfield Street, London N1 5JB, England, U.K.

Newcastle Church

Wesley Street, Shieldfield, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1BH, England, U.K.

Portsmouth Church

114 North End Avenue, Portsmouth PO2 8NH, England, U.K.

Sunderland Church

Dundas Street, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR6 0AZ, England, U.K.


United States of America

General Assembly - United States

11236 Dale Street, Garden Grove, CA 92641, U.S.A.


Phoenix Church

2640 N. Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224, U.S.A.


El Monte Church

11070 Oak Street, El Monte, CA 91731, U.S.A.

0;P align="left"> Garden Grove Church

11236 Dale Street, Garden Grove, CA 92641, U.S.A.

Irvine Church

1492 Santa Fe Drive, Tustin, CA 92680, U.S.A.

12445 Highland Drive, Tustin, CA 92680, U.S.A. (Mailing Address)

Los Angeles Church

222 N. Saint Andrews Place, Los Angeles, CA 90004, U.S.A.

Pacifica Church

P.O. Box 1776, CA 94044, U.S.A. (Mailing Address)

610 Edgemar Avenue, Pacifica, CA 94044, U.S.A.

San Jose Church

521 N. 5th Street, San Jose, CA 95112, U.S.A.

P.O. Box 486, San Jose, CA 95103, U.S.A. (Mailing Address)


Tampa House of Prayer

6702 Benjamin Road, Suite 600, Tampa, FL 33634, U.S.A.

6805 S. Engelwood Avenue, Tampa, FL 33611, U.S.A. (Mailing Address)


Honolulu Church

1387 Makaikoa Street, Honolulu, HI 96821, U.S.A.

Maui House of Prayer

525 S. Kamehameha Avenue, Kahului, Maui, HI 96732


Chicago Church

111 West Henry Street, Arlington Hts, IL 60004, U.S.A.

New Jersey

Elizabeth Church

339 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208, U.S.A.

New York

Queens Church

96-02 95th Avenue, Ozone Park, NY 11416, U.S.A.

P.O. Box 170-239, Ozone Park, NY 11416, U.S.A. (Mailing Address)


Philadelphia Church

300 W. Woodland Avenue, Springfield, PA 19064, U.S.A.


Dallas Church

1111 W. Belt Line Road, Richardson, TX 75080, U.S.A.

Houston Church

6126 Thomas Road, Houston, TX 77041, U.S.A.

Dear Beloved Netizens,

The publication of literary materials is one of the main effective tools in conveying the Truth we are preaching.

If you would like to subscribe to our publication or to know more about the Truth, please feel free to write us at any of the following addresses nearest to you.

May God bless you with His peace and joy!


Evangelical Centers

North-East Asia Evangelical Center

180 Song-Tsu Road, Taichung, Taiwan 406, R.O.C.

South-East Asia Evangelical Center

P.O. Box 10510, 88805 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Western Hemisphere Evangelical Center

11236 Dale Street, Garden Grove, CA 92641, U.S.A.


Department of Literary Ministry

AUSTRALIA (IA Department of Literary Ministry)

84, Watts Street, Box Hill North, Melbourne, 3129, Victoria, Australia

CANADA (IA Department of Literary Ministry)

4580 Gothard Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5R 3K7, Canada

FRANCH (IA Department of Literary Ministry)

Véritable-Jésus-Eglise de Paris, 1, rue des Pinsons, 77420 Champs Sur Marne, France

GERMANY (IA Department of Literary Ministry)

Wahre Jesus Gemeinde e.V., Postfach 106147, 69051 Heidelberg, Germany

SINGAPORE (IA Department of Literary Ministry)

17-D Adam Road, Singapore 1128, Republic of Singapore

UNITED KINGDOM (IA Department of Literary Ministry)

Boyd Street, Shieldfield, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1BS, England, United Kingdom

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