Powell Roots & Branches Family History & Genealogy Help

Sarah A. Powell

Oh, Sarah

If I could take your photo here
And make a new one just appear,
I’d take that frowning, gloomy face
And put a smile there in its place.
I’d erase the tiredness from your eyes
And have them twinkle with surprise.
I’d fluff and comb your thin, gray hair
And make it shine with loving care.
I’d change your ragedy dress & shoe
And sew you silk and leather, new.
I’d grab that cane you clutch so tight
And fix your step to quick and light.
And finally, I’d heal your broken heart
And mend your life where sorrows start.

By Betty Renfroe

If you have an interest in Powell genealogy The Three Sisters would like to hear from you. Please contact us at:

Betty Renfroe brenfroe@cswnet.com
Fleta Aday fleta@cswnet.com
Patsy Poor, P. O. Box 126, Ridgedale, MO 65739

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