Hi, everyone! Soose here! Each soose in Sooseland has a special talent. As you can tell, mine happens to be writing. Some sooses are blessed with more than one talent. The rest of us are envious of those who are lucky in that respect. The rest of us try to also be good at more than one thing. In my case, I am trying to be artistic, not with words, but with drawings. True, its crude. But, its MINE. So, here is what I call "Soose Art". Eventually, there will be more added. But, for now, this is it! I hope you have as much fun looking at my art, as I did creating it.
"Seeing the Light"
"Starry Haze Magnified"
"In the Bathroom"(Well, it reminded me of bathroom tiles!)
(Well, it reminded me of bathroom tiles!)