Would you like one of THESE?

kitty washingHi, everyone! Soose here! You know, as much as sooses love to receive awards, they also love to give them as well! And that's just what I'm doing! And what is the award? Why, its the Soose Award! And it looks just the one at the top of this page! Its an award that sooses (like myself) hand out to sites that meet the requirements of sooses! And although sooses don't have requirements in most areas, in THIS one they do.

Below, is a list of requirements (criteria), that your site MUST meet in order to receive a Soose Award. Are you ready? Well, let's go!

  1. Sooses do NOT like pornography on sites, including nudity and profanity. (Ok, so sooses are not "worldly"--big deal!)
  2. Sooses like EVERYBODY, and do NOT like sites that contain racist, hostile, and/or demeaning remarks in their content. (I would hate to turn you down for THAT!)
  3. Sooses do NOT like frames. (We get into enough trouble as it is, without being "framed" for it!)
  4. Sooses believe that all of the links on your site should work. (How else do you think we get lost?) Of course, sooses DO overlook the unforeseen problems created by the site providers. But, we do NOT overlook links that don't work because of lack of maintenance on the webmistress/webmaster's part.
  5. Sooses like to see a fairly well organized site. (Since we are ALWAYS getting lost, it would be nice to be able to navigate about without having to leave a trail of breadcrumbs behind--we like to EAT breadcrumbs, NOT toss them about!)
  6. Sooses LOVE sites that are pleasant to look at, and easy on the eyes. (We don't want to stifle your creativity, but we also don't want to go blind while trying to read the content of your site because of clashing colors).
  7. And finally, sooses want you to have fun when applying for this award, and we want to have fun visiting your site! So, if for some reason, you don't get the award the first time, make whatever changes that need to be made, invite us (me, usually--the others are usually out soosing around!) again, and we'll (I'll) see about that award! Ok?

Well, that's what sooses look for in sites that apply for the Soose Award. If you feel that your site meets these requirements, PLEASE, by all means, e-mail me at In the "subject" line, put "Soose Award", and in the body of your e-mail, tell me all about your site!

OH! Another thing, please be patient, as we sooses DO get lost ALOT! So, it may take some time for us to visit your site. (And you'll know if we've been there, because sooses LOVE to sign guestbooks! And if you have a guestbook, it will get signed!) If your site is found to be "soose-friendly", then guess what YOU will get--that's right! The SOOSE AWARD! You will then get an e-mail informing you of receiving the award, and telling you where to pick it up.

And PLEASE, do NOT take this award unless you have written permission from ME (SOOSE), because that's NOT nice!




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