MIMI Died in January 2007
She was replaced by three small dogs (Lucky | Leo | Luci)
See their photos at http://minhtom.multiply.com
My owner was an Internet Docent/Teacher for over five years at the Contra Costa County Central Library in Pleasant Hill and he has developed several websites, including: -Home- | -Nails- | -Robert- -Jackie- | - Internet Fun House- | -World Travel- | -Jobs- | Grandma- | -Burney Falls- | Vietnam: Home- | -Hello- | -Trips-
Links to other sites on the WWWeb
-Chihuahua 3D Kingdom-|
-Pomeranian WebRing-
-Dog And Cat Desktop Fun- |
-DogHause Home Page- |
-WWW Searches:
"tom premo"+pets |
"tom premo"+mimi
Maps To:
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 |
Concord, CA 94518 |
Go To Websites:
Goldie |
Taco |
Dog Humor |
TOM Premo