North Carolina 2004, Our New Home North Carolina Here We Come!!! Here are some pictures of our home under construction in Jacksonville, NC. We are slated to detach from Washington DC on 1 July and report at the end of July to Camp Lejeune. Keep in touch and we'll post more information on this site as the summer approaches, and as the house is completed!! Dale will be at the site in April and will have more pics around 20 April. Love Dale and Linda

April 2004

Pictures from 10 March

Front of the House

Front view of the house

House from the back

Another view from the back

Pictures from 31 March

Another view from the back

Upstairs Master Bedroom

Family Room


Another view from the front

Another view from the front/side


The top pictures and the 31 March pictures are three weeks apart!!!! They're moving fast...

Pictures from 23 April

Fireplace in the Master Bedroom

Shannon's Bedroom includes a full bath, dormer learning center, and walk in closet

Front view

The family room, where we spend most of our time

The breakfast nook with wet bar :)

Part of the backyard, which will be fenced for the dogs

The garage, Dale's second home to work out in

Another front view

What is this you ask? We wanted a built in ironing center!!

Another Kitchen view
