Dobie World



A "White" or Albinistic Doberman has a genetic fault that masks the pigment of our four
normal colors. It is a recessive gene which, when expressed, greatly reduces the number of pigment granules (melanocytes) in hair, skin and eyes. This gives the appearance of a light cream base coat with dead white markings. They always have translucent blue eyes with pink noses, eye rims and foot pads.
They are TYROSINASE POSITIVE ALBINOS. Geneticists and examining veterinarians have determined that these dogs suffer from a deleterious form of partial albinism. The greatly reduced pigment in skin and eyes causes marked photosensitivity (squint or shut eyes in sunlight) and increased risk of solar skin damage including cancer.
PHOTOSENSITIVITY IS A HANDICAP FOR A WORKING BREED. The AKC is registering dogs displaying a trait never previously described in our breed's history as pure bred. Since the recognition of Dobermans as a distinct breed, our Standard has always sought to eliminate even a small spot of white on the chest. The original purpose of our breed was that of a working sentry dog to accompany their masters on their rounds at night. White is readily seen, thereby destroying the element of surprise and impairing the dog's ability to do its' work. The DPCA will not give up this important part of our breed's heritage. We cannot allow the intrusion of a trait that is so adverse to the Standard of our breed in both appearance and functionality.

Allowing the albinistic trait to spread is a serious threat to the genetic integrity of the entire Doberman breed. The DPCA has an obligation to educate its members, breeders and Doberman fanciers in general to preserve and protect the Breed for the future. The DPCA must prevent the breeders of "white" Dobermans from further contaminating our gene pool. Do not let the promoters of "white" Dobermans fool you. Our breed is not improved by this practice. Ethical breeders do not intentionally breed for disqualifying faults. Breeders of disqualified Dobermans would like to lead the public to believe that their dogs are miraculously free of health problems. This is a fallacy. They have used the distant bloodlines of ethical breeders in a desperate attempt to improve the temperament, health, and conformation of their poor quality animals. The original animals were indiscriminately inbred to Shebah (the first AKC registered "white" Doberman, 1979) solely for her unique color. As much as breeders of "white" Dobermans would have these genetic aberrations appear harmless, the danger lies with the colored littermates. The prospect of having to cull 'whites' from our litters has been unheard of in the history of our breed. When the novelty has worn off, DPCA members will be left to clean up the yet unpredictable genetic problems forced on ethical breeders. If we are cautious now, "white" will not become a new feature of our breed.