Andreasson's Recipes |
Chocolate Cake
This you need:
How to do it:
Make Your Own Detergent - Ashes Lye
Put two litres of ashes in a bucket. Pour over 4-5 litres of hot water, stir Pick up floating coal pieces. Let rest over night to allow the fluid to clear and particles to sediment. Pass through a strainer. The sediment can be used once more, or it can be used as fertiliser in your garden. Ashes from hardwood tree is better than ashes from pine trees, birch and beech is the best. At laundry time, pour the lye into the detergent box. You have to find the correct amount yourself. The darker the fluid is, the less amount is required. If it looks like tea, a few deciliters will suffice, if it looks like applejuice, use half a litre. |