Basic Description

Males grow up to : 18-22 inches; standard weight 33-44 lbs

Females grow up to : 17-21 inches; standard weight 22-33 lbs

Ears : Erect, in other words, they stand straight

Tails: Curls to there back, or stands straight

Eyes : Gingko nut-shaped yellowish brown eyes with clear pupils. Jindos with reddish eyes are considered better hunters.

Temperant : Friendly towards people, loyal towards there master with a genertic expression.

Hair : Coat is of medium length, coarse with a thick undercoat.

What are they used for : Jindos are hunting dogs. They can hunt squirrels, rabbits, deers, boars, badgers, mouse, etc. Jindos are capable of jumping up to 7-8 feet high walls, and run over 30mphs. And also, Jindos are used as guarding dogs.

Jindos rarely bark or growl. The only time they might bark/growl is if they feel they are in danger or if their master is being threatened by a wild animal. Jindos can be the best dog you ever had or the worse. They need a lot of space to run around and much love. They are loyal to there masters to the end. They will always be loyal to there master even though he/she was given away to another. The Jindo would respect the new master, but will always love the original.