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Thanks to all of you who have helped! I now know that George's parents are John WILLOUGHBY and Sarah LUKE. They also have children Mahlon m. Mildred Cook, Abigail, Mary m. Jamie Thorne, Sarah Jane m. Andrew Somerlot, Anna m. Jonathan Burke, Elizabeth, Harriet m. George Miller and Amanda m. Winfield Scott Stewart.
Now, the hunt is on for cousins! Thanks again to everyone who sent me leads.

I also have a family history called THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM TAYLOR AND HIS WIFE ANN WILSON OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA I only have a photocopy and have no idea how I came into possession of it, but the last update was in 1925 - for the copy I have. All of the surnames listed in this book are at this link: Taylor Family History.4/3/97 The links to the families are still under construction -- there is a complete list of all the surnames throughout this book.

For all you OHIO rooters, I have a history of WILLOUGHBY, OHIO that I have posted for anyone who may be interested in reading it.

For those of you who may have a connection in the Johnson, Whitman County, Washington area you may be interested in this paper Johnson Town History written by Glenn Ailor in 1975.

Here is a list of all of the names in my database: note, the names in Italics are ones I have a lot of information on, the other may just be one family but don't hesitate to ask about those names if you see others that are familiar to you.


Abrams *Adams * Aderton * Aiello * Ailor * Akers * Albers * Alexander * Alspach * Alsup * Anderson * Andrew * Ankrom * Applington * Arensberg * Arnzen * Asson * Atkinson


Baches * Baerlocher * Bailey * Baker * Banoweitz * Barckley * Bard * Barley * Barnes * Barrett * Bartman * Battisti * Baumberger * Baune * Baxter * Beard * Beck * Becker * Beckler * Beeman * Bennett * Bernard * Berry * Bilgere * Billings * Birchard * Blaine * Bledsoe * Blossom * Bogar * Bonnett * Bottenelli * Bower * Boyd * Boyer * Boyette * Brandt *Branstetter * Braucher * Braun * Breneman * Brock * Broome * Brown * Bruce * Buckley * Bullock * Burke * Butler * Buystedt


Cabiles * Cahill * Calderwood * Calhoun * Callahan * Campbell * Carrington * Carson * Cash * Chapman * Chilson * Clapper * Clark * Cobean * Collins * Conley * Cook * Cornish * Cox * Crea * Crowson


Dale * Daniels * Darden * Degrave * Dellage * Denger * Denkovich * Derickson * Desmond * Dezorzi * Dion * Dodd * Dole * Dorrill * Drew * Driscoll * Durheim


Eagan * Egbert * Eggers * Egland * Eileen * Eller * Elliot * Ellis * Elmore * Emmons * Engelhardt * Eskew * Evilsizer


Farley * Farnwarel * Fiegenbaum * Fink * Fischer * Foss * Freeman * French * Fuchs * Fuhrmann * Fuller


Gagner * Gampfer * Gehring * Gertje * Gibbs * Gibson * Giebner * Giles * Gitz * Glass * Gombar * Good * Goodall * Goodin * Greeley * Green * Greenway * Griffin * Griffith


Haas * Habish * Hagberg * Hall * Hamlet * Hannegan * Harding * Harris * Hartig * Harvey * Hary * Hatler * Hauck * Hayden * Hearn * Heit * Heitstaman * Henderson * Herboth * Herker * Hernandez * Heston * Higgins * Hill * Hilligsberg * Hillman * Hilpipre * Hogg * Hornsby * Howlett * Huffman * Hulsey * Humes * Hunter * Hurkes * Hutto * Hutzel




Jackson * Jared * Jean * Jenkins * Jennings * Johns * Johnson * Jones * Juarez * Judy


Kachmeier * Kapczynski * Kates * Kaufman * Kaufmann * Kavanaugh * Keane * Keily * Keller * Kelsey * Kessler * Kettering * Kiser * Klump * Knight * Knudson * Knutson * Koepl * Kohl * Konrad * Krause


LaForce * Langdon * Lanier * Lawson * Lea * Leader * Leadley * Lederman * Lewis * Lindenlaub * Little * Lockridge * Loseth * Love * Luebbers * Luke * Lumper * Lustig * Lynn


Macvean * Madeline * Mag * Magamoll * Mains * Malaise * Mandal * Martin * Martinez * Mason * Mathews * Maxheimer * Maxwell * May * McBride * McCain * McCann * McCaulagh * McClain * McClure * McDowell * McFadden * McGuire * McMahon * McNew * Meiners * Merkel * Mertis * Meyer * Michels * Miller * Montandon * Moore * Moran * Morgan * Morris * Mosman * Motley * Mottaz * Mueller * Murphy * Myers


Naysmith * Neiwig * Nichol * Nickeson * Niehaus * Niemeyer * Nosbisch


Obde * Olson * Orr * Osterloh * Ozenkoski * Ozmun


Pargeon * Parkins * Paul * Petry * Phillips * Picha * Pittock * Pokorney * Polites * Poole * Portz * Praest * Pratt * Prehm * Presswood * Price * Prigge * Privett * Pulliman * Purdum * Purl


Rados * Ralph * Reading * Reagan * Reed * Reiland * Reilly * Reimers * Renner * Renslo * Riggers * Rink * Robbins * Roberts * Roper * Rosecrans * Rosholt * Ross * Royer


Sackett * Sadler * Scaggs * Schaar * Schecklman * Schiesser * Schieszer * Schlader * Schleder * Schlicht * Schmidt * Schmitz * Schoenwald * Schroeder * Schuch * Schumacher * Scrogins * Seeley * Servatius * Seymour * Shannon * Shaw * Shawley * Shirar * Shirley * Simon * Simpson * Skeens * Slugel * Smathes * Smith * Snyder * Somerlot * Soucek * Souther * Spaethe * Sparks * Spellmeyer * Sprott * Squires * Stacho * Stanley * Starkie * Stegner * Stewart * Stout * Strandbury * Strawn * Stroshein * Sturgeon * Sturm * Suffel


Talarico * Talley * Tankard * Taylor * Teed * Terry * Terwilleger * Thomas * Thompson * Thomsen * Thorne * Tillman * Todd * Toliver * Tribitt * Triesch


Uhlenkott * Umstead * Uptmor


Van Meter * Vance * VanHoozer * Vaughan * Vedenhaupt * Vercruper * Vogel * Volsko


Wagnon * Warner * Watson * Waugh * Wayne * Weaverling * Wehrheim * Weisback * Wendt * West * Whipple * White * Wiemann * Wiggins * Wilcken * Wilcox * Willette * Williams * Williamson *Willoughby * Wilson * Wirtz * Wise * Witherell * Wittman * Wohlers * Wolf * Wolfender * Woods * Worden * Worthington * Wren * Wright * Wunder


Yates * Yoder * Yoshida * Young * Yutz


Zacharius * Zenner

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This page last updated July 17, 1997
© 1997 Manda Wohlers

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