The American Tunnel Terrier is by far the most devastating vermin trap on the planet today! There is no other well-rounded terrier that can match the intensity and drive of this little dog when working. After a hard day ridding the world of unwanted vermin, they are happiest curling up next to their best friends: children.

Weighing in at a mere 10 to 20 pounds, this fully trainable companion/ hunting dog is the perfect addition for the landowner with many outbuildings to police for vermin, and a family with children. Once you've had one of these little dynamos working for you, cats will become obsolete, other terrier breeds will pale in comparison, and there will never be a need to use dangerous poisons again!

American Tunnel Terriers, when socialized from a young age, co-exist well with other dogs and most other family pets. They are wonderful companions for children, and are actually quite protective of their "young charges". They have qualities that most other vermin terriers lack: they can be easily called out of a vermin nest, and are not destructive in a home environment.

All American Tunnel Terriers should be registered exclusively with the ATTA, the only true American Tunnel Terrier registry. If you'd like more information about this unique little terrier, give us a call. (815) 737-8681

American Tunnel Terrier Association
Standard for the American Tunnel Terrier

HEAD:  Medium length, box-like when viewed from the front. Rectangular
when viewed from the side. Skull flat and widest at the ears. Prominent
cheeks with no wrinkles. Head should be prominent, but not overly
so. Should look powerful and quick.

MUZZLE:  Square, wide and deep. Large jaws, should display great strength.
Bite should be scissor to 1/4” undershot. Muzzle should be 35% to 42% of
the total length of the head. Should have a noticeable stop at the forehead.
Muzzle should be wider at the base and taper slightly to the nose.

EYES:  Round to almond shaped, any color except blue.

EARS: Bat ears are preferred.

NOSE:  Wide open nostrils, black.

NECK:  Muscular, slightly arched. Tapering from shoulder to head.

SHOULDERS:  Very muscular, side sloping shoulder blades.

BACK:  Medium in length, even from rump to withers.

HIPS:  Very muscular, pronounced muscularity.

STIFLES:  Should be well angled.

CHEST:  Deep brisket, wide but not too wide.

COAT COLOR:  Any color except flat black or any blue.

WEIGHT:  Not important as long as structure is sound. Any weight between
10 lbs. to 20 lbs. for males, 8 lbs. to 18 lbs. for females.

HEIGHT:  10” to 17”.

Working dogs will not be penalized for broken teeth, cropped ears or docked
tails, scars or any other marks incurred while working.

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