* The WATCHKEEPER, 21663 Leroy Center Road, Capron, IL 61012-9608 is a quarterly publication of the National American Bulldog association which promotes the responsible ownership and breeding of pure bred American Bulldogs. The WATCHKEEPER will not knowingly publish any material conflicting with the Animal Welfare Act of 1976. We reserve the right to edit any material for any reason. All letters, articles, etc.. submitted must contain the legal name of the author or they will not be printed. Nicknames, pen names or initials will be used upon request as long as the legal name accompanies the submission. All submissions, including pictures, become the property of The WATCHKEEPER. All opinions expressed therein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The WATCHKEEPER, the National American Bulldog Association or the editor. All rights reserved, reproduction of contents, either whole or in part, not permitted without written consent of the publisher. Copyright 1994 by the National American Bulldog Association. Printed in U.S.A.
The WATCHKEEPER is a Copyrighted publication. Permission for use of WATCHKEEPER material may be obtained by writing to: The WATCHKEEPER - 21663 Leroy Center Road - Capron, IL 61012
The WATCHKEEPER offers its humble apologies for being so tardy. As newly appointed editor, I am quickly learning how complex andinvolved putting together a worthy magazine can be. It is my view that the content of this publication is more important than the schedule by which it is printed, however, I will do everything in my power to see that future publishing schedules are adhered to.
As Editor, I would like to thank all of our faithful readers for their unending support and patience. Pulling The WATCHKEEPER back online has not been an easy task, but one well worth the effort. I consider it an honor to represent the National American Bulldog Association with this magazine and will do my best to meet the challenge placed before me.
M. Suda, Editor
The N.A.B.A. is still
backlogged with registrations and pedigrees. It looks like all the technical
trouble has been solved, but the difficult task of catching up has just
begun! Don't despair if you are waiting for N.A.B.A. papers; the information
has been logged and will be processed on paper as soon as possible.
Upcoming show dates for the N.A.B.A. are as follows:
The N.A.B.A. is hoping to schedule at least four new shows for 1999 in different parts of the country. This would give most N.A.B.A. members the opportunity to attend at least one show without traveling too far.
To find out more about the National American Bulldog Association, write to:
National American Bulldog
Midwest Division
21663 Leroy Center Road
Capron, IL 61012-9608
National American Bulldog
159 North Monson Road
Hampden, MA 01036
The WATCHKEEPER is looking
for cartoonists. Must have a twisted sense of humor and the ability to
draw American Bulldogs and other canines. The pay is only recognition,
but our circulation is constantly growing! Get your work noticed! If you,
or anyone you know would be interested in drawing for The WATCHKEEPER,
please give us a shout!
(815) 737-8681 Ask for
Liz. Or email lizzy@geocities.com
We are also interested in stories,
poetry, songs, photos, drawings, needlework, or other writings and artistic
expressions related to the American Bulldog. Please don't be shy. Send
your work to:
21663 Leroy Center Road
Capron, IL 61012-9608
Pictured above, left to right: Volume 1, Issue 1 - Volume 1, Issue 2 - Volume 1, Issue 3.
Volume 1, Issues 2, 3 and 4 are
available now.
Volume 2, Issue 1 is also available.
Pictured above: Volume 1, Issue
Volume 1, Issue 1 is in the process of being restored in its original form from data available. The first issue was created on a computer that would be considered obsolete by today's standards, an old 8088 microprocessor. The information was stored on 5.5 floppy disks which eventually wear out, losing data bytes or becoming unreadable. Authenticity is important to us, so every effort is being made to recreate the magazine using the exact fonts and photographs originally used. The process is slow going, but the end result will be worth the wait.
To find out more about subscribing
to The WATCHKEEPER, visit our sister page at
HAWG KENNEL. For advertising
information, call Liz at (815) 737-8681 or
email lizzy@geocities.com
Please address all subscription orders and information requests to:
21663 Leroy Center Road
Capron, IL 61012-9608
(815) 737-8681
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