- 03/26/00 03:35:28
Andrea - 01/24/00 07:23:18
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/MrsAndrea/annegeddes.html
My Email:andrea@pacbell.net
Which bear was your favorite?: Parker
Thanks for this GREAT Page! I have the new Anne Geddes plush bearbaby for sale. Here is a picture. Also email me for FREE TEDDY BEAR CURSORS! Best Wishes, Andrea
Thanks for this GREAT Page! I have the new Anne Geddes plush bearbaby for sale. Here is a picture. Also email me for FREE TEDDY BEAR CURSORS! Best Wishes, Andrea
Great web site!
11/13/99 18:07:31
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
B. Bridges - 10/06/99 14:16:34
My Email:barbara.bridges@ecolab.com
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: Miniature cats
I love the miniature bears etc. I am collecting miniature cats at this time as they are a lot more rare
Joanne Noel - 06/28/99 02:34:47
My Email:joannenoel @ aol.com
Which bear was your favorite?: the lil xmas bears
I am very new at making minature teddies. Any hints would be helpful. especially on noses.
Kara Sixsmith - 04/22/99 21:06:40
My URL:/Athens/Atlantis/8064
My Email:kara_theo@yahoo.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Moonbeam
Hi really like your bears. You also have a cool site. I also am a bear nut. I make some bears but am not a serious bear artist. If you want check out my teddy bear site. Bye
- 04/07/99 08:09:34
Siobhan - 04/06/99 06:00:09
Which bear was your favorite?: Goldie
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: more pictures of bears
I enjoyed this site very much and i will tell all my bear loving friends about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 03/22/99 01:17:54
sabina eichhorn - 02/27/99 18:13:55
My Email:tbears@netcom.ca
Lisa Jarrell - 02/06/99 01:09:58
My Email:tlj@citnet.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Maplewood and Sherwood
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: More cats!
I recently purchased Sherwood and I absolutely love him. I would love to have Maplewood too but see he is sold out. The Critter Series is also just too cute.
marcia mccreary - 01/05/99 21:48:55
My Email:fcinc@midwest.net
Which bear was your favorite?: willowbee
pricesheet with pictures.
Pat Gillette - 01/05/99 16:44:42
My Email:dlg9523@iserv.net
LOve all your bears! Pat G.
Elizabeth Alway - 12/16/98 14:20:02
My Email:elizabeth.alway@btinternet.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Willow-Bee
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: prices?
Is it possible for me to order a bear from you, as I am in the UK?
Goosefeathers - 12/16/98 13:38:15
Hi! Great stuff
Francis - 12/15/98 20:50:27
My Email:dopping @ bio.vu.nl
Which bear was your favorite?: love them all
I like your bears very much, hope mine will be as beautiful as yours are, but if not.. I will love them too! Thanks for seeing your bears, Francis from the Netherlands
Nancy AKA Hazel Alder - 12/09/98 21:58:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/hazelalder/index1.htm
My Email:hazelalder@aol.com
Which bear was your favorite?: See comments
Hi, Kristie:
I wasn't able to get your bears to load: I saw the bunnies than timed out. I'll try again later.
Joely Courtney - 11/05/98 14:21:36
My Email:Athena986@aol.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Basil
Hi Kristie! Your new bears are grrreat! I LOVE your bears & bunnies, but you already know that! I am totally in love with Basil!! Keep up the grrreat work! Ping-Ping & Sofiel say "hello!"
Joan Hurley - 10/23/98 23:18:31
My Email:buckwheat16@juno.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Willow Bee
I would like to order 4 Willow Bee's wholesale
for my store. Please ship COD
Hurley's Old Stone House
Rd#1 Box 726
Landisburg, PA 17040 717-789-4211
Joan Hurley - 10/23/98 02:27:56
My Email:buckwheat16@juno.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Willow Bee
Please call me at 717-789-4211.......I'm interested in purchasing Willow Bee for my store.....do you wholesale?
Where are you from?
Thank you!!!!!!!
Dan goodwin - 10/09/98 22:02:52
My Email:dgoodwin@csrlink.net
I am a brother of Paula brady
Joleine Bergmueller - 10/08/98 21:38:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Bearsnfriends
My Email:bearsbyj@sunlink.net
Which bear was your favorite?: all of the bunnies
Great site! I love your bears and escpecially the bunnies
10/04/98 10:32:38
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Raenette Schneck - 08/23/98 19:40:17
gail clark - 08/12/98 03:31:15
My Email:allied@mail.icongrp.com
Which bear was your favorite?: all the pandas
I really enjoyed this site. You have wonderful bears. I wanted to go back and look at a few again, but for some reason my computer keeps printing that there is some sort of error every time I try-and I've tried repeatedly.
kristie - 08/10/98 09:55:09
My Email:ozemail@bthorpe.com.au
Which bear was your favorite?: poo bear
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: no
Deby Keller - 07/21/98 05:47:59
My Email:KELLER@prodigy.net
Which bear was your favorite?: pooh
My stepdaughter, Kristi, loves Pooh -- I'd appreciate a note to her. Deby
cris henderson - 07/14/98 03:47:30
My Email:crismas@aol.com
Which bear was your favorite?: all
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: love minis
Fann - 07/12/98 13:18:56
My Email:fanntf@pacific.net.sg
Which bear was your favorite?: "sleepy head" John
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: more bears!!!
u have such adorable kids and so many cuddly bears!!!! I really like them
Joleine - 06/25/98 16:39:53
My Email:greyelf @ sunlink.net
Which bear was your favorite?: all the angels
Great Bears
Katherine Millingar - 06/23/98 04:08:20
My URL:http://www.intercaltg-mohair.com/sugarbears/
My Email:kksugbrs@inreach.com
Which bear was your favorite?: All
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: not at all
Kristie your page is wonderful,but your bears are the best......They are so dear, to have made them ,you must be pretty special yourself.
Pat Byther - 06/08/98 03:27:34
My Email:tdbrlady@mint.net
Which bear was your favorite?: Opal
Your bears are delightful.
Elsa Hong - 05/22/98 18:59:08
My Email:elsaong@gcn.net.com.tw
Which bear was your favorite?: almost all of the bears
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: have no idea
Jean White - 04/28/98 19:43:15
My Email:redial@getonthe.net
Denise Fields - 04/27/98 01:56:14
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members/bellybutton
My Email:bellybuttonbears@customized.com
first visit... bookmarked into my Bear Dens file
Vivian - 04/08/98 18:24:27
My URL:http://members.aol.com/VivianKin/mother.html
My Email:VivianKin@aol.com
Which bear was your favorite?: Sam...He's been my buddy for 30 years :)
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: "If it's not broken, don't try to fix it."
I really enjoyed my jouney through your pages! Great job!!
linda baird - 04/04/98 23:40:38
My Email:baird@rubberbobcat.lovelock,nv.us
Which bear was your favorite?: all
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: no,it's great
Lisa - 04/04/98 15:20:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Beerbabe27/teddybears.html
My Email:Beerbabe27@aol.com
I love your pages! I have been here before, but don't remember if I signed in or not, soooo now it's official! :-)
Chelse - 03/28/98 21:32:34
Which bear was your favorite?: pooh
- 03/19/98 13:04:20
- 02/24/98 23:37:20
Kristie - 02/13/98 14:09:42
Shelby...if you get this message, I was not able to resond to your email due to an error in your address...to answer your question, no, I don't really know of a source for undressed bears that I think would work for your project. Try emailing me again, b
t check that your address is correct on AOL.
Lori Hays - 02/07/98 22:41:25
My Email:Lilac90210
Which bear was your favorite?: Buzby
Is there anything in particular you would like to see here?: Victorian bears
Very creative, I loved all your bears!
Kristie Bonner - 02/06/98 02:59:17
Thanks so much for your support. I cleared the old comments and I look forward to hearing from you once again.