My Awards Page

These are the awards that I have been lucky
enough to get for these pages.

"I humbly accept them, for all my ancestors that I have
found and all the ones yet to be found."

Family Genealogy - A Passage in Time
This is the first award I won

Timberlake Family Homepage
Here's #2

Cousin Don's Award - Visit his DeSpain homepage!
Thanks to Cousin Don
This was #3

Here is #4.
Received on Sept. 13, 1997

It's wasn't so bad!
Not really an award, but I feel like an achievement.
Received on Sept. 16, 1997

Check out Genealogy is My Hobby! (How true!)
Wow a #5
Received on Sept.

26, 1997 

Visit DeWanna's Homepage and pick up a plant your family tree button!
I'm so thrilled here's #6
Received on Oct. 13, 1997

Wowey! Wow! Wow!  
Here's #7 
Received on Nov. 3, 1997

Thanks Suzy and Gayle!  Visit their wonderful website  I'm always so surprised 
when I get another one. 
Here's #8


ft1998a.gif (5284 bytes)
What an Easter Present!
Received Apr. 12, 1998


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This page was created on September 13, 1997
This page was last updated on July 18, 1998

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