WELL, here you are. Boy, what a bold step you took looking at this page about me. Don't be surprised if you RUN from here screaming with boredom!
Everybody keeps telling me I need a page that tells a little about me and my family. Well, if you don't have anything better to do (you poor thing), read on. If you got here by mistake just CLICK HERE to go back to my homepage. If you still wish to continue, so be it. Don't say you haven't been warned!!!!
Well here goes...the official name is Deborah, known to family & friends as Debbie (you probably gathered that!). I live in Louisville, Ky. I actually started doing genealogy about 11 years ago (in 1990) and have been addicted to genealogy ever since. I always wondered where my love of history would lead me and now I know-to my computer writing this (ha!ha!). Anyway, I have two wonderful kids Nikolaus & Abigail. Between working and getting them to and from the places they need to be I don't have much as much time for genealogy as I would like but I still try. Well, enough of my yammering on. I really don't know what else to say.....except hope your family tree forks as you follow it back.........
Now, don't you feel like you deserve a "I survived IT award"?
Well if I had one I'd give you one! But I don't, so I won't!
Ok, now enough fooling around, get back to looking up those ancestors!!!!!
This page was created on September 23, 1997
This page was last updated on September 22, 2001
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