My Slemmons Family Pictures
This is a picture of my Great-Great Grandfather
(Asher Slemmons) oldest sister, Sallie Dean Slemmons.
Aunt Sallie, as she was known, married 1st Candor Dougherty,
then 2nd Thomas Jones.
This a picture of Asher's 2nd oldest
sister Mildred Thompson Slemmons.
She married Asher's wife's brother Roger Thompson Franklin.
Talk about keeping it in the family! ;)
Here's a picture of my Great-Great Grandparents.
Asher Whitford Slemmons and Martha Susan Franklin.
Talk about true love, she died first and not being able to live without
her he died two weeks later!
The picture hanging behind them is their son, Richard Washington Slemmons. He had died a couple of years before this picture was taken.
This is a picture of Asher & Martha's family and
It was taken in August of 1898 to commemorate Martha's 74th birthday.
It has my great-grandparents and my grandfather in it on the right.
This is a picture of the Original Thomas Slemmons
It is located in Pequea, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
This is a picture of Rev. John Slemmons & his wife
Sarah Dean's burial site.
They are the parents of Thomas Washington Slemmons that came to Kentucky in 1812.
This page created October 14, 1997
This page last messed with March 16, 2000
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