Other Personal or Surname Homepages

    Our other Genealogy Site - Our Family Tree Maker Homepage
    Bastin Family Website - by Gary Bastin
    Branches & Roots - has Foster surname
    Brenda's Homepage - she has Hart Co. Logsdon's.
    Clark-Jensen Genealogy - by Joyce C. Jensen.  It has DeSpain information.
    Colonel Virginia ANDERSON Families - by Patrick Anderson.  It has the Anderson name along with others.
    Daniel DeSpain's Home Page
    - no genealogy, just another DeSpain!
    Dollard Genealogy Page - has information on the Dollard's from when they came to America.  This family ties into the Srygler/Srygley family of Hart Co.
    Fultz Home Page - a homepage dedicated to the Fultz, Fulks, Foultz, etc. surname
    The Gathering of the Clans Homepage - A really cool homepage if you have Scottish History in your tree.
    The Homme Page
    - by Darlene Homme.  Here's another homepage that has alot of Green, Larue & Taylor Co. names.
    Robert King Family HomePage - a Family Tree Maker Site.  Has alot of Hart Co. Surnames.
    Marge's Cabin Home - also has information on the Robert Self branch.
    The Montague Millennium Homepage - the official genealogy & history site of the worldwide Montague family.
    Moon Child's Homepage - a little bit of genealogy and a little this, a little of that!
    Gary Nunn's Homepage - has Shofner's and Nunn's + many, many others
    Carol Olney (nee Puckett) - Carol Olney's Family TreeMaker page.  She has a lot of Hart Co. surnames.
    Melissa Shreve-Owens Homepage - she has Shreve's & Chandler's - neither of them are mine but they may be yours.
    Larue, Taylor, Green, Hardin & Monroe Counties, Ky. - by Gene Perkins.  Just about every surname in these counties.  Stop by and see if yours is there.
    Edith Bastin's Polston Family - The Polston family
    Donald Pond's DeSpain Home Page
    - talk about information on the DeSpain's!!!
    The Rail - The Rail Web Ring, go here for the genealogy sites on the Rail
    Ramsey Genealogy - by Becky Ramsey.  Has Chandler information on it.  Not my line but might be yours.
    Reynolds -
    also by Edward Reynolds. This one is only for the surname of Reynolds.
    Self Portrait
    - a homepage dedicated to the Self Surname
    Self Family Newsletter Webpage - a homepage dedicated to the Self Family Newsletter. 
    Thomas Genealogy - by Michele Thomas.  Has Crenshaw surname.
    West Family Web
    - by Patricia A. West (not my branch, but a good site anyway)
    ThumperMan's Homepage - by Jim Worthington.  Also has Twyman information
    Yearwood - has Self surname + others
    YourFamily.com - a homepage to help find family homepages

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    Love those Dohickies

    This page was last updated April 22, 2000

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