Members of the Board

Members of the Board of Directors
Kansas Urban Forestry

Wes Adell
(Director of Development and the Lindsborg

Tree Station Director)
110 South Main, PO Box 448
Lindsborg, Kansas 67456-0069
Home: (316)241-2156
Work: (785)227-2424
Fax: (785)227-3740

Patti Armstrong (Newsletter Chair)
12036 West 239th Street
Bucyrus, Kansas 66013
Home: (913)533-4043
Fax: (913)533-4043(call first)

Chuck Evanhoe(Treasurer)
Countryside Lawn & Tree
1412 Dry Stream Ct.
Derby, Kansas 67037
Home: (316)788-4385
Work: (316)838-3375

Jim Finlen(Chairman)
City Forester, Lenexa, KS
13420 Oak Street
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
Home: (913)722-0472

Work: (913)541-8592
Fax: (913)492-8118

Harlan Forslund
1525 S.W. Wayne
Topeka, Kansas 66604-2647
Home: (785)235-1753
Work: (785)296-0163

David Foster(Vice Chairman)
1415 East Second
Wichita, Kansas 67214
Home: (316)263-4527
Work: (316)262-4525
Fax: (316)262-7316

J David Mattox
City Forester, Manhattan, Ks
1506 Yuma
Manhattan, Kansas 66502
Home: (785)776-8459
Work: (785)587-2757
Fax: (785)587-2727

Barry Ragan
Volunteer City Forester, St. John
526 E. 2nd Street
St. John, Kansas 67576
Home: (316)549-3401

Reg Wescott(Secretary)
Forester, Western Resources
122 Southwest 2nd Street
Topeka, Kansas 66603
Home: (785)256-2410
Work: (785)575-1663
Fax: (785)575-1696
Mobile: (785)221-16630

Ex-Officio Officers

Robert L. Atchinson
Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, Kansas 66502-2798
Home: (785)293-4474
Work: (785)532-3310
Fax: (785)532-3305

Eric Berg
Community Forestry Coordinator
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, Kansas 66502-2798
Work: (785)532-3300
Fax: (785)532-3305

Troy Bratton
District Forester, KS Forest Service
107 Layton Street
Dodge City, Kansas 67801-2498
Work: (316)227-2392
Fax: (316)227-6020

David Bruckerhoff
District Forester, KS Forest Service
308 West 14th Street
Chanute, Kansas 66720-2895
Work: (316)431-1530
Fax: (316)431-2108

David Bruton
District Forester, KS Forest Service
444 SE Quincy St Ste 190
Topeka, Kansas 66683-3569
Work: (785)945-6292
Fax: (785)945-6882

Jack Rowland
District Forester, KS Forest Service
23018 Rooks Rd
Parsons, Kansas 67601-8403
Work: (316)423-1658
Fax: (316)421-7387

Jim Strine
District Forester, KS Forest Service
1232 240th Street
Hays, Kansas 67601-9228
Work: (785)625-3425
Fax: (785)623-4369

Jon Skinner
District Forester, KS Forest Service
1125 Westport Drive
Manhattan, Kansas 66502-2860
Work: (785)776-5182
Fax: (785)539-7983

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Last updated: 11-09--00 Webmaster