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Welcome to Hungary

The main focus of this page is to give information, great links and pictures of the towns of my ancestors and to help with Hungarian genealogy.

                Tokaj Hungary- The home of the King of Wines

Tokaj or Tokay-  Pronounced  To Koy.

48 08 N 21 24E. Town in Borso-Abauj-Zemplen county, NE Hungary; in the foothills of Mt. Tokay where the R Bodrog meets the R Tisza, NW of Nyiregyhaza: centre of a notable wine producing area.
The Zemplen Mountains and Tokaj-Hegyalja
The mountain regions in the north-eastern part of Hungary are of volcanic origin. Dues to the soil of volcanic debris, the special local climate and ample sunshine and the moulds in the cellars that this has become one of the most famouse wine regions in Europe. The Home of the Tokaj Wines.
From Miskolc to Satoraljaujhely (Road 37)  Road 37 from Miskolc and the main railway line parallel to it lead to Tokaj and the other slopes of the Zemplen Mountains and the Tokaj-Hegyalja. The first section of the road to Szerencs leads through the plain, and from there the road leads north-east at the foot of the hills, following the course of the Bodrog river.
34.8 km; A branch road to Tokaj village, 9.2 km away where the Bodrog flows into the Tisza. The Tokaj wine region is a closed and relatively small area of 32 villages. Tokaj itself has wine cellars, wine shops and fisherman's inns and first-class international camping sites on the bank of the Tisza.

Tokaj contains a number of mainly Baroque country houses, E.g. the Rakoczi-Dessewffy House in Bajcsy-Zsilinszky ut. The Municipal Council Hall at Rakoczi ut 44 and Bethlen Gabor utca 2(former Golden Eagle Inn). The Museum of Local History is at Bethlen Gabor utca 23(formerly Greek Orthodox church). Objects connected with Tokaj viticulture, some as early as the middle ages, are on display. From Kopasz Hill, above the village, which is covered in vines worth their weight in gold. A beautiful view opens onto the two rivers and onto the plain further south.

A little more information on Tokaj

It is a town in the Northeast part of Hungary.  The county of Zemplen is on the right bank of the Theiss at the influx of the Bodrog, 43 miles N.N.W. of Debreczin.  Population 5,712.  It has a Roman Catholic cathedral, Lutheran Reformed and Greek United churches, also Piarist and Capuchin convents.


Genealogy, Maps and Misc. Hungarian Info


** Hungarian Genweb


Austro Hungarian Military Message board at Reading the 1869 Hungarian Census


Picture of the Bodrog River


Large picture of Tokaj-Nagy-hegy


Dr. Janos Somlo - Dr. Somlo's Hungarian Homepage Eva's Hungarian Kitchen


Hip Cat's Hungarian Page


Hungarian Home Page Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye Múzeumai Otto's Hungarian Import Store and Deli Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/ The Hungarian Corner of the Internet
Hungarian Anthem Hungary Zip code search Hungary MATV White page phone book search  (HAFS) Hungarian American Friendship Society
Kinga's Cool Hungarian Links Pannonia Books- Hungarian Bookstore Radix Homepage of great Hungarian genealogy info and links Szeged Home page and lots of great info...
My Genealogy page with more Hungarian information. Scroll down to Hungarian. Austro Hungarian Royalty and  Nobility Message board at    


To Purchase Hungarian Microfilms from the Hungarian Archives.

Here is the address and a few tips of how to go about it.
I purchased them from:
Lajos Kormendy
Magyar Országos Levéltar
1014 BUDAPEST I., Bécsikapu tér 2-4
Postacim: 1250 Budapest, 1. Pf. 3.

This is purchased directly from the Hungarian archives. It worked out well. The one thing I advise is to know what all you want to order before you do. Try and order all at once if you can. The reason being is that you must go to the bank and get an International bank draft.... Easier said than done. Some banks do not send them or at least to Hungary. It cost $25.00 just for the draft. My films were $40.00 + the $25.00 bank draft. It really is worth it so that when I cannot sleep, which is pretty frequent! I just sneak in my den and I'm off. I have a second hand microfiche reader that my Husband made a few minor adjustments to. Now I may read my films. It is wonderful. Now I can enter the data right into my computer, while in my jammies :) I know it may sound spoiled but I have extracted some 200+ names and still going strong. I have to still figure out all the relations and the spellings etc. Allot of time spent, glad it's here are home!! :) You can also take your films to a public library and make copies there too, if they have a reader. Allot of them do. Up to the first 10 or 15 copies are free. That saves on quarters as well. If I were to have made .25 cent copies I would have spent over $100.00 already and still have lots to go. Not to mention I can go back and look anytime when I question something I may have written down. (Which just learning to read this stuff, I do that often!)

Cemetery Information- source The Jewsih Genweb See their website for more information on other cemeteries or areas of interest.  They cover the lots of countries and areas. Each of the information groups listed below is written with Jewish interest.  My family is not of Jewish affiliation  as your may not be as well- but I felt this information was very useful non the less.

BODROGKERESZTUR: US Commission No. 000012
Bodrogkeresztur is located in Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen (48º10, 21º22), 63km from Miskolc. Cemetery: N of village, on hilltop, land record 243.hrsz. Town population is under 1,000, with no Jews.
  • Local: Pogarmesteri Hivatal of Bodrogkeresztur Kossuth utca 85. tel: 1.
  • Regional: Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg, of Dob u.35, H-1075 Budapest Phone: (011-361) 132-4333 and Budapest Orthodox Tagozat.
  • Caretaker: Nyaradi Istvan, Bodrogkeresztur, Felso ut. 62.
  • Interested: R. Rubin of 1325-53rd St. Brooklyn NY 11219, Salamon Rieder of 1617 54th Street Brooklyn NY 11204 and Steiner Saje's grandson's wife.

     The pre-WWII Jewish population (census) was 535. Living here were Reb Eliazer London (first rabbi) between 1780 and 1796 and Reb Steiner Saje (1851-1925). The Jewish cemetery was established in 1767. The last known Jewish burial was 1979. The Jewish community was Baal-Sem Hasidic Orthodox, Sephardic Orthodox, Conservative, Progressive/Reform, and Neolog. The isolated rural agricultural crown of a hill has no sign, but has Jewish symbols on gate or wall. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a masonry wall with a locked gate. Keyholder: Sperka Margit Bodrogkeresztur Kossuth ut. 58 of Kadas Jozsene Bodrogkeresztur Kossuth ut. 65. Pre- and post-WWII size of cemetery is 0.26 hectares. 100-500 gravestones, 1-20 not in original location with 25-50% toppled or broken, date from 19th-20th centuries. No mass graves. Within the cemetery is an ohel. The marble, limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew, German ,and Hungarian inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces. The national Jewish community owns Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally in the last ten years, but not since Jewish individuals and groups within Hungary and Jewish individuals and groups abroad did restoration in 1980-91: patching broken stones, cleared vegetation, and fixed wall and gate. Jewish Congregation pays a regular caretaker (?). Weather erosion and vandalism are serious threats. Vegetation is moderate threat.
     Lowy Lajos of Tokaj, Ratkoczi ut 41 and Peter Wirth completed survey and visited site on 10/29/91 using: Orban; Wirth; Zemplen Zsidosaganak Tortenete. Other documentation was inaccessible


TARCAL (I): US Commission No. 000019
Located: Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen at 48º08' 21º21', 45 km from Miskolc. Cemetery is at Kereszturi ut. (Land record hrsz.245.)

  • Responsible: Polgarmesteri Hivatal of Tarcal Fo ut 61, Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg, of Dob u.35, H-1075 Budapest Phone: (011-361) 132-4333, Lowy Lajos of Tokaj Ralcoozi ut 41.

Established in the 18th century, the cemetery was used by Hasidic Orthodox, Sephardic Orthodox, Conservative, Progressive/Reform, and Neolog. The suburban isolated hillside has no marker but has a broken masonry wall. Size before WWII and now: 0.27 hectares. 20-100 stones are not in original location with 1-20 (25% to 50%) damaged. Location of removed stones is unknown. Drainage is seasonal problem. Gravestones date from 18th through 20th century with Hebrew inscriptions. No known mass graves. Owner is national Jewish community and used as cemetery only. Properties adjacent are agricultural, residential, Neolog cemetery and dump. The same bounderies exist as in 1939. No maintenance or care. There is an ohel. Serious threat: security, erosion. Peter Wirth completed survey on 10/20/91 using: Wirth: "ltt van elrejtive". Site survey: 04/10/91. Interview: Lowy Lajos, 04/10/9 at Tokaj.
TARCAL (II): US Commission No. 000020
Cemetery at Kereszturi ut. (land record hrsz.244.) Interested: Lowy Jozsef of Israel, Bnei Brak Haadma Migur 9, Kubus Laszlo of Tarcal Kereszturi ut 24. The last known burial in the 19th century Neolog cemetery was before WWII. The isolated suburban hillside has no marker and is surrounded by a broken masonry wall with locked gate. Key is held by Kubus Laszlo. Size: 0.41 hectares. 20-100 stones exist with 1-20 not in original location and 25%-50% stones damaged. Vegetation (prevents access) and drainage seasonal problems. The 19th and 20th century stones have with paint on surfaces and Hebrew and Hungarian inscriptions. No known mass graves. The national Jewish community owns Orthodox cemetery. Properties adjacent are agricultural (which reduced cemetery size since 1939). Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg pays caretaker. Development (existing and planned) is very serious threat. Lowy Lajos of Tokaj, Rakoozi ut 41 and Peter Wirth completed survey on 12/12/91 using: Wirth: Itt van elrejlve. Site survey: 04/10/91 and 05/12/91.


BOOK: Itt van Elrejive: Tokaj-Hegyaljai zsido temtok (Here lays: The Jewish cemeteries in the region of Tokaj-Hegyaljai [Hungary}), by O. Wirth. Budapest, 1988. 157 pages, chiefly illustrated, Hungarian. S86B1637. Notes: inscription photographs (some readable), region Jewish history, men index: 32 personal names (2: + family names), Women index: 20 personal names (2: + family names).
Source: Printed Books on Jewish cemeteries in the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem: an annotated bibliography. Jerusalem: The Israel Genealogical Society, 1997 by Mathilde Tagger TOKAJ (I): US Commission No. 000021
Located in Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen at 48º07' 21º25', 30 km from Nyiregyhaza. Cemetery is at Sziget (Island); Land record hrsz 605.

  • Responsible for site: Polgarmesteri Hivatal of Tolcaj Rakoczi ut 48 ph: 41 52511, Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg, of Dob u.35, H-1075 Budapest Phone: (011- 361) 132-4333, Vatosvedo es Varosszepito Egyesulet, Tolcaj, Lowry Lajos and Muzeum, Tokaj, Bethlen ter 7 of Kocsa Andrasne.
  • Key: Kocsa Andrasne, Tolcaj, Sziget.

Noteworthy Jews buried are David Schmoll and unknown builder of first synagogue. Last known Hasidic Orthodox burial was 1925. Tiszalkarad and Lowy (40km away) used the national monumument site, reg. no. 1468. The isolated rural forest area by water has no marker. Cemetery, reached by boat on river Bodrog, has broken masonry wall and locked gate, Size before WWII was 0.30 hectares, now-0.28. 100-500 stones are in original location with 20-100, not in original location. 25%-50% are damaged. Drainage is a constant problem. Special sections exist for men, women and rabbis. Oldest known stone is 1799-20th century. Inscriptions are Hebrew, German and Hungarian. No known mass graves. Local Jewish community owns site used for cemetery and residences. Adjacent property is residential. Boundaries smaller than in 1939 because of floods. Jewish survivors pay caretaker. Serious threat: Floods. Peter Wirth completed survey on 11/20/91 using M.zS.L; Itt van elrejtve; Meir Sas: Vanished Communities in Hungary. Site survey: 03/11/91. Interview: Lowy Lajos at Tokaj, Rakoozi ut 41.
TOKAJ (II): US Commission No. 000022
Cemetery: Bodrogkereszturi ut 8. Present population is 1,000-5,000 with less than 10 Jews.

  • Local: Polgarmesteri Hivatal of Tokaj Rakoozi ut 48. ph: 41 52 511.
  • Regional: Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg, of Dob u.35, H-1075 Budapest Phone: (011-361) 132-4333.
  • Interested: Varosvedo es Varosszepito Egyesulet of Tokaj, Lowy Lajos of Tokaj Rakoozi ut 41 and Muzeum of Tokaj Bethlen ter 7. Dudovics Lajos, Lowy Lajos of Tokaj Rakoozi ut 41 and Muzeum of Tokaj Bethlen ter 7. Gluck Miklos of Tokaj Rakoozi ut 23.
  • Keyholder: Dudovics Lajos of Tokaj Bodrogkeresztum ut 8.

     The pre-WWII Jewish population (census) was 959. First Rabbi was Gabriel Jakob Szenditz (died 1868) and then Rabbi Schuck David (died 1899). The Jewish cemetery was established in 1871. Rabbis Schuck David, Fanfeder and Strasser Akkiba are buried here. The last known Hasidic Orthodox Jewish burial was 1991. No other towns used this isolated suburban hillside site with a sign in Hungarian: "The Bestower." Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a continuous masonry wall and locking gate. Pre- and post-WWII size of cemetery is 0.34 hectares. 500-5000 gravestones, 1-20 not in original location and less than 25% toppled or broken, date from 1871-20th centuries. Vegetation overgrowth and water drainage are constant problems. Special sections exist for men and women. The marble, limestone and sandstone finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration, have Hebrew, German and Hungarian inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces. The cemetery contains special memorial monuments to Holocaust victims. The cemetery contains no known mass graves. Within the limits of the cemetery are a pre-burial house, an ohel, and a well. The owner of the still-active cemetery is the national Jewish community. Adjacent properties are commercial/industrial, agricultural and residential. Boundaries are unchanged since 1939. Occasionally, organized Jewish group tours or pilgrimage groups, organized individual tours and private visitors stop. Jewish individuals within Hungary and abroad re-erected stones, patched broken stones, cleaned stones, cleared vegetation, and fixed wall and gate in 1986. Budapesti Orthodox Hitkozseg pays the regular caretaker. Weather erosion is very serious threat. Water run off from hill is destroying graves. Lowy Lajos of Tokaj, Rakoozi ut 41 and Peter Wirth completed the survey on 10/28/91 using Zelenak Istvan: Zsido enileket Tokajbol; Wirth Peter: itt van elrejtve. They visited site on 28/10/91.
     UPDATE: Alternate names: Tokay. Cemetery location: Botradkereztur Street, Tokaj, in Bodrogko County? at 48º07' 21º25', about 50 km. ENE of Miskolc. 1999 Jewish population is about 10. --Interested: Mr. Levi, who has the cemetery key and can be contacted from the bar near the synagogue.
     The last known Orthodox Jewish burial was 1990/91. Nearby towns used the cemetery. The suburban hillside, near a residential area, has Jewish symbols on wall. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open with permission. Vegetation overgrowth is minimal but a few trees have grown large. Diane Goldman, 4977 Battery Lane, Bethesda MD 20814 ( visited the site on 2 August 1998 and completed the survey on 1 March 1999.

TOKAY (Hungarian) see Tokaj

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Tokaj Wine Bar on Left

Tokaj Town Square

Synagogue in Tokaj

Tarcal Vezer

Delicious Tokaj Wine

Tokaj Postcard

Map of Tokaj Vicinity

Images were taken by:         Eva Kende             The author of: Eva's Hungarian Cookbook

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