This is a genealogical success story which demonstrates
the usefulness of "high-tech" research using the computer.
All I ever knew of my paternal great-grandmother Helen was told me by my father. He said, "Mamudder was adopted, said to have been left on the Jordans' doorstep." He went on to relate what he knew of her adoptive parents, which was scant: Mr. Jordan was a lawyer or maybe a doctor, and the Jordans lived next door to the Folletts in Denver, Colorado during the late 1800s. Dad was not sure of the Jordans' given names, nor had any clue as to Helen's birth parents. When I began searching my roots, I dreamed of finding this lost branch of the family tree, but thought it was hopeless since nearly a century had passed, and adoption records were not well-kept back then, if indeed there had been a formal adoption.
Then, one day about five years ago, I received an e-mail from Robert C. Sollars. It seems he had been searching for a lost female member of his family. We compared notes and, sure enough, I found Helen's birth parents and ancestry, and Bob found his missing female. We figured out that he and I are third cousins, three times removed, and exchanged GEDCOM files. I gained some 4,000 ancestors and cousins, plus a link to early Virginia. I had thought I was of pure New England stock, but now can claim "old Virginny" blood, too.